The risk of measles is increasing in children… You should also know which vaccine is used to avoid it?

Measles Treatment: Mumbai, the financial capital of the country, is in fear of measles. In many countries of the world, children have come under the grip of this disease. Measles is a fast spreading infectious disease. Doctors say that if a small child is infected with measles and there is a healthy child near him, … Read more

Measles can damage the central nervous system like this

Measles Treatment: The effect of Kovid has not been that much in the country. Herd immunity, antibody development and vaccine have been important factors behind this in neutralizing Kovid. Vaccination of other diseases was affected due to Covid. Due to which the danger of spreading of many diseases has arisen. At present, measles has become … Read more

Due to Corona, the danger of measles is now hovering over your children, WHO issued an alert

Measles Treatment: Kovid has badly affected the country and the world. Its effect is being seen. Due to cavid, children were not given measles vaccination in many countries. India itself has not remained untouched by this. The danger of spreading measles has also increased in many parts of the country. The situation in Mumbai is … Read more

After Corona, now this disease wreaks havoc, the lives of 40 million children became a matter

Measles Threat: The outbreak of global epidemic corona had reduced a bit in the country that now measles disease is spreading rapidly. This disease is taking newborn children in its grip and many have lost their lives due to this. The little eyes which were becoming capable of seeing this world, were already closed due … Read more