डेंगू के मच्छर सिर्फ घुटने के नीचे ही काटते हैं? जानें एक्सपर्ट क्या देते हैं लॉजिक

Dengue Fever: डेंगू के मच्छर सिर्फ घुटने के नीचे ही काटते हैं? जानें एक्सपर्ट क्या देते हैं लॉजिक Source link

How can you avoid dengue mosquito? The season is on it’s good to be careful

Dengue: With the change in weather, there is a danger of spreading many diseases. In the month of September-October, the risk of spreading diseases like dengue, malaria is very high. Especially the cases of dengue are increasing continuously. Not only this, this time the outbreak of new variants of dengue is spreading very fast in … Read more