चाय पीने से कितने मिनट पहले पानी पीना चाहिए, जानें

Health Tips: चाय पीने से कितने मिनट पहले पानी पीना चाहिए, जानें Source link

Are you not making the mistake of drinking water immediately after drinking tea…if yes, then understand well.

Tea is our favorite drink, be it morning or evening, we can never refuse tea. But some people run to drink water immediately after drinking tea. But this is a dangerous habit. You must have also heard grandmother saying that water should not be drunk immediately after tea. Grandma didn’t just shoot an arrow in … Read more

Why should not drink water after drinking tea? What is its effect on the body

Drinking Water Before Tea: Discussion on tea, nowadays these lines are very popular. People are fond of tea. It becomes common to have acidity and other problems after drinking tea. Doctors say that drinking tea causes many problems. There is also a need to take special care while drinking tea. For example, if you are … Read more

Why is it said that one should not drink water after drinking tea? What if you drink?

Drinking Tea: Tea lovers are seen not only in the country but in the world. Without tea people’s eyes don’t even open. Many people drink tea 8 to 10 times a day or more. If he does not drink tea, he does not feel like working and the day also seems incomplete. As soon as … Read more