Want shining and strong teeth… Include these 5 food items in the diet today itself

Want shining and strong teeth… Include these 5 food items in the diet today itself

Oral Health Day 2023: Just as for the body to remain fit, it is necessary for the kidney, liver, lungs to be healthy. It is equally important to be healthy orally. Many types of problems occur if oral health is not taken care of. Mouth cancer also happens because of such negligence. Oral cancer gives … Read more

Recognize immediately with these symptoms… Oral health is sick

Recognize immediately with these symptoms… Oral health is sick

Oral Health Day 2023 Theme: World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20 March. The purpose of this day is to make people aware of oral health. It is necessary for the body as many other organs including kidney, liver, lungs. Taking care of their health is as essential as it is for … Read more