‘Mental health awareness is at the core of the project, but we wanted to go a level deeper’

“MENTAL SKILLS IS something that came into my life the hard way,” explains Alan O’Mara. “I’ve always been very open and honest about my journey, that I didn’t have these skills. I didn’t have things like self-awareness, resilience, self-compassion. “The good thing about them being a skill… I grew up playing soccer all my life; … Read more

‘Exhausted’: $5.3b in business loans tied to house, owners drowning in debt

Businesses are incurring crippling costs across the board that is having major impacts. Photo / Getty Images About $2.2 billion of business loans secured by residential mortgages is due to be re-fixed within the next year with concerns rife for owners crippled by debt. The news comes as rising wages, inflation, increased costs, a devalued … Read more

Negative effect of Kovid, 5 to 9 year old girls also getting periods

puberty: Corona engulfed the people in the country fiercely. The people who have been hit by the virus are still moaning. Long Covid Synonyms are being seen in people. It has had a lot of negative effect on people’s body. Now another troublesome problem has come to the fore. Kovid has changed the cycle at … Read more

After Corona, 5 to 8 year old girls are getting periods, scientist worried about hormone change

Corna After Effects: People are still suffering the after effects of Corona. From heart to lungs, corona has seriously affected many organs. Many types of after effects of corona are being seen in children too. Hormones are changing at a very young age, especially in girls. This is called precocious puberty. In this, the adult … Read more

Make Sitopaladi churna at home, children will stay away from cold and flu throughout the year

Sitopaladi Churna Ingredients: Nowadays, the problem of cold and cold is troubling children the most. By feeding medicines for a long time, the effect of medicines is also not as fast. In such a situation, you can think of some home remedies or Ayurvedic treatment. Because this is not a disease that can be cured … Read more

Corona is not giving up, 50% of the patients are still sick after a year, shocking revelation in research

Corona Virus: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. Kovid patients were seen in every house. Delta variants knocked in every house. Killed thousands of people. After the vaccination campaign of the Indian government, there has been a decrease in the cases of Kovid and now the virus has not been as effective, but the negative … Read more

10 big things: 100 million animals are killed every year in the name of research

Research On Animals: today World Welfare Animal Day Is. The purpose of this day is to talk about animal protection in the world, if any species is in danger then it is to be saved. If an animal is being tortured, then the animal has to be protected from its hands too, but today we … Read more

Crispian Stewart: If you want to get fit, here’s a great (free) place to start

The Jogging the Powerpoles team at the Rotorua Marathon this year. Photo / Supplied Hakinakina Community News is a weekly update on sports and athletes from our own local community. OPINION: From our athletic office, the “Jogging the Powerpoles” summer programs are open for registration. The “JTP” is a free community fitness group that provides … Read more