Take care of your skin and hair with these simple ginger remedies, you will look super young

Self Care Tips For Men With Home Remedies: You must have read and heard many things related to health about the properties of ginger. Because in our country, essential spices like ginger are used in abundance in the kitchen of every home. Like, from tea to vegetables and pulses. Sometimes ginger is used by grinding, sometimes by grinding and now making a paste. Because ginger is very beneficial. Apart from saving sore throat and cough, it also protects the body from many other types of infections.

in ginger Has anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent swelling in the body and the problem of puffy eyes. This is a little information about the properties of ginger, now coming to our main issue which is related to the use of ginger on men’s skin. In this way, women can also use ginger in their skin and even hair. But men’s skin is a bit tighter than women’s and men’s hair is usually shorter than women’s, so it’s easier to use some quick remedies on it. But it is not that women cannot use them. Let us know how ginger can be used on skin and hair …

Can be applied directly on the skin

  • You can apply finely chopped ginger slices on your face except the area around the eyes. It has to be applied for only 15 minutes and after that you clean the skin with water.
  • Ginger contains vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, antifungal and It also has antibacterial properties. This gives relief from itching, skin roughness and irritation in the beard. You cut ginger into very fine slices and rub it with light hands on the face.

To remove skin dullness

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You can also make an exfoliating mask with ginger if your skin has become dull due to sunlight, due to being outside for a long time or due to pollution. For this you need these two things…

  • If this is not possible, then you can also use a spoonful of ginger juice by grinding ginger and making a paste.
  • Now take two spoons of curd and add ginger juice or paste to it. for your skin The perfect exfoliating mask is ready.
  • With this, massage the skin lightly for 4 minutes and then keep it for 10 minutes. Afterwards wash your face with lukewarm water
  • If necessary, you can wash the face with gram flour or rice flour or multani mitti powder to remove excess greasiness.

ginger hair mask

Adopting home remedies for gends is a bit difficult. There are many different reasons for this, firstly it is not such a trend in our society that men pay a lot of attention to their skin or looks and secondly, in most of the households, men are the earning members and this Because they have little time to do all this for themselves.

But men who want to take care of their skin and hair only through herbal remedies, they are often in search of such home remedies, which are easy and effective too. Therefore, you can consider ginger hair mask perfect for your hair. Because it is made quickly and shows effect soon. To make Ginger Hair Mask you need these things…

  • one inch ginger
  • 4 inch aloe vera leaf
  • Grind both the things in a mixer and make a fine paste.
  • Before taking a shower, apply this paste to the hair, especially on the roots, for an hour and then shampoo.
  • Your hair is short, so it will not be difficult for you to keep it for 1 hour. You can take the help of a family member to install it.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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