Take On This Accessible CrossFit Session Designed by the Fittest Woman in the UK

Lucy Campbell is a CrossFit trainer and athlete at CrossFit Nottingham, where she balances her intense training routine with cutting-edge classes. A national level gymnast until age 12, she then focused on swimming, competing internationally at a high level until she went to college. After jumping out of the pool due to exhaustion, she took to CrossFit instantly, impressively finishing 13the in the world in its first open cross fit in 2019 in the first training.

Earlier this year, Lucy had an impressive performance in wodapalooza, one of the most prestigious off-season competitions. finishing just outside the top 3 and impressively dominating an event with rowing and swimming.

Finishing first in the UK at the CrossFit Games quarterfinals, Lucy became the first British female singles since the now-retired legend. samantha briggs to qualify for the CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin. achieving two events wona rare feat for a rookie, she is not only making waves in the sport for the UK, but also at the highest level alongside the world’s most elite athletes.

Lucy has scheduled an accessible CrossFit-style workout exclusively for MH Squad members. With dumbbell snatches, rows, and wall balls, you should be able to do this in most gyms. You’re going to be doing as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in a three minute window before resting for 60-90 seconds and then continuing. There are five rounds in total.
Find the full workout details below and read Lucy’s key tips for getting the best out of your session.


The goal of this piece is constant movement at a hard but steady pace. You have 15 minutes of work in total but broken up into 3 minute segments with a one minute break in between; if you’re performing this at the right intensity, the rest will fly by and only give your heart rate a chance to drop slightly. However, if it’s too hot, you won’t have enough time to recover in the rest minutes, and your next round will suffer as a result.

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find your rhythm

The two ways you will make up time in this workout is through your rowing split and quick transitions. He should set his rowing pace to within 4-5 strokes and try to maintain the same calories per hour for all 5 rounds. Smooth transitions are also key to maintaining good rhythm during intervals. He wants to create a mini triangle between the wallball target, the dumbbell, and the rowing machine so that he can drop one move and go straight to the next, losing minimum seconds to allow for maximum rounds.

know your strengths

If you watch this workout and immediately pick a move as a weakness, tailor your strategy to take that into account. For example, if it’s wallballs for you, adjust your rowing pace so you can complete reps without interruption each time.

get ready

To make sure your body isn’t shocked by the intensity of this workout, you need to prepare yourself before you start by moving at the pace of the workout, or even faster. Once you have warmed up and are comfortable with the movements, do the following:

3 rounds (round 1 @ slightly slower than training pace, round 2 @ training pace, and round 3 @ slightly faster than training pace)

5 DB boot

Row of 7 Cal.

9 wall balls

REST 1:00-1:30 before starting and GO!

The training

5 rounds of:

AMRAP in 3 minutes (resting 1 minute between each round)

weights, exercise equipment, kettlebell, arm, shoulder, sports equipment, physical fitness, chest, dumbbell, muscle,

1) 10DB boot @ 1×15/22.5kg

2) 15 calorie row

The best cardio exercises for arms, legs, standing, fun, joints, muscles, human body, balance, abdomen, physical fitness,

3) 20 wall balls

Start each round where the last one ended. Your score is the total number of rounds and repetitions after all five rounds.

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