Taking up adaptive sports – Harvard Health

A physical disability or other limitations do not have to keep you from activities that improve your health.

Health guidelines recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. The activities you choose don’t matter as long as they get you moving.

But what if an injury, illness, health condition, disability, or even normal aging makes it hard for you to stay active? In those cases, adaptive sports could provide a much-needed hand.

What are adapted sports?

Adaptive sports are competitive or recreational sports or activities for people with disabilities or physical limitations. They often parallel traditional efforts, but are modified to support people’s specific physical abilities.

“Eventually, almost everyone will experience some form of disability that prevents regular exercise, whether it’s mild arthritis, requiring a knee or hip replacement, limited vision, or more significant physical disability,” says Dr. Cheri Blauwet, an associate professor of physical. medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, and a former wheelchair runner, seven-time Paralympic medalist, and two-time winner of the Boston and New York marathons. “But today, thanks to advanced technology and supporting infrastructure, people can find almost any type of sport or activity that takes into account their abilities and helps them stay active.”

Why is it important to stay active?

Not getting enough regular exercise increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. It also affects mood. And people with disabilities are especially vulnerable because of the challenges of staying active, says Dr. Blauwet. “Adaptive sports are a way to continue exercising regularly and support our health and well-being in the future.”

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Research backs this up. According to one study, people who participate in adapted activities and sports report better general health, quality of life and social life.

How can you find out about adapted activity options near you?

You can find state and local adaptive sports programs and activities accessible through the websites of the National Center for Health, Physical Activity and Disability and the Challenged Athletes Foundation. “These programs can also help him find the mentors, coaches and support system he needs to be successful,” says Dr. Blauwet.

The type of sport or activity you choose ultimately depends on your interests and level of functioning, but there are many options available.

Build on strengths and consider new activities

Dr. Blauwet shares other strategies that can help you transition to adaptive activities.

Look at your current form of exercise. “Almost any type of sport or activity can be adjusted to accommodate people with disabilities, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to continue your favorite endeavor,” says Dr. Blauwet.

For example, as part of her ongoing therapy, former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords, an avid cyclist living with a brain injury after an assassination attempt, now rides a recumbent bike due to right-sided paralysis and balance problems. . (A recumbent bike is a three-wheeled bicycle that places the rider in a seated or reclining recumbent position.)

Other sports and activities can be similarly modified. For example, specialized golf carts can help you stand and stabilize his body as he hits the club. Sledge hockey uses sleds to skate on the ice.

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Focus on your strengths. Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, focus on what you can. Is running no longer an option? How about power walking using walking poles for support? Can’t you use your legs? Focus on upper body activities like swimming or kayaking. Low vision? Guides are available to help you walk, run, and bike.

Join a team. Many adaptive sports have organized team leagues with tight rules and formats, such as wheelchair basketball and tennis, and “beep” baseball and kickball for people with low vision. “These are a great way to bring more awareness to your new endeavor and build a community with other peers with similar disabilities,” says Dr. Blauwet. “Plus, a little competition provides additional motivation.”

Try something new. Use your new functional status as an opportunity to try a different sport or activity. “Test the waters and try something you’ve always been interested in,” says Dr. Blauwet. “Now could be the ideal time to explore water skiing, windsurfing, horse riding or rock climbing.”

It can be mentally and emotionally difficult to adopt adapted sports and activities, as it may seem like your disability has been magnified. But don’t let that deter you, adds Dr. Blauwet. “Maintaining the commitment to stay active and invest in your health can help reduce and eliminate any negative stigma you feel. Participating in parasports is not a lesser way of life, but a better way of life.”


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