Teas Can’t Help You Lose Weight Overnight, But They Can Support Your Overall Efforts

Whether you’re a tea drinker or more of a coffee drinker, you can’t deny there’s something calming about a steaming cup of Earl Grey. However, relaxation is not all there is to this drink. Indulging in a cup can also bring some potential health benefits (think: Cancer and heart disease prevention) and can even support your efforts at Lose weight. You should know that even the best weight loss teas won’t help you lose weight or burn belly fat overnight (sorry to disappoint!), but they can be a great addition to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

“No tea is going to act like a magic bullet,” says Liz Sasso-Karelitsky, RDN, of Love Food RD, but one way to get the most out of your tea is to have a cup right after you eat. “The act of making a cup of tea and taking the time to sit down and drink it would help signal to your mind and body that the meal is over.” The ritual of making it also helps you take a moment and tune in to your satiety cues, she adds.

Tea is also a great way to Keep hydratedsays Sarah Rueven, RDN, CDN, founder of Well-Being Rooted. When you’re dehydrated, you may crave sweets and other sugary foods even if you’re just thirsty. Drinking enough fluids can also help your cells communicate better, which encourages your body to do extra work to increase your metabolism. Also, herbal teas that are meant to help you sleep it can also contribute to weight loss, as getting enough rest can be a big factor in the process, she explains.

If you like iced tea better than hot tea, keep in mind that the benefits are the same, no matter what temperature it’s brewed at. But if you prefer to order your soda cold, Sasso-Karelitsky suggests being careful about what’s in your cup. Chains like Starbucks are known for pouring a lot of sweeteners and juices into their iced teas, she says. Therefore, always order without sugar.

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One note: Pregnant women should stay away from herbal teas containing licorice root, which can be harmful in high doses. Instead, stick to other options like mint, chamomile, and ginger, says Rueven. Also, be sure to consume caffeinated teas in moderation, adds Sasso-Karelitsky.

Do you want to try the teas? Here are the 10 best weight loss teas and the science behind them.

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Green Tea

A Clinical Nutrition One study found that green tea extract can lead to weight loss and even a smaller waistline in women after 12 weeks. This could be because green tea extract significantly lowers the body’s levels of ghrelin, which is a gut hormone. (An added bonus: Green tea lowered cholesterol in the participants, too!)

FYI, tea is a supplement that is not regulated by the FDA, says Rueven. That means you can’t always be sure how much green tea or green tea extract you’re actually getting in a product. The amount of these ingredients can vary, she notes.

A good rule of thumb when shopping: “More organic, natural, and less processed varieties will likely have a higher amount of green tea extract,” according to Rueven.


black tea

black tea it can help you lose weight, Sasso explains, but that’s mostly due to its caffeine content. “Caffeine can help give us a little more energy,” she says. More energy equals more exercise, which can help you burn a few extra calories.


White tea

While white tea hasn’t been studied as much as its black and green counterparts, some evidence suggests that it may help with weight loss. White tea extract has been shown to reduce fat accumulation in mice by speeding up metabolism, according to a study 2019. But more research is still needed to fully support this claim and show whether it applies to humans.

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Herbs tea

There are many different types of herbal tea, from peppermint to chamomile. While one cup can’t reduce belly fat, Rueven says that ginger tea contains the compound gingerol, which is great for swelling and gasoline. “And it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the gastrointestinal tract,” he adds. Pro Tip: Honey and lemon pair well with ginger for an extra calming flavor.


matcha tea

Matcha is a Japanese green tea that is sold in powder form. It contains more antioxidants than other types of tea because tea plants are grown in the shade, according to a study in the scientific journal Foods. It is considered the highest quality green tea on the market.

Drinking matcha one day, then 30 minutes before exercise can increase fat oxidation, or the rate at which your body burns fat, according to research in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism shows (But it’s worth noting that the study was small and more testing still needs to be done.)

Please note that matcha contains a lot of caffeineso avoid drinking it at night.


rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is a type of herbal tea that grows in South Africa. There are red rooibos and green rooibos, which are processed differently: the red one is fermented, while the green one is not.

A review in the newspaper. Medical Plant concluded that the aspalathin in rooibos tea can potentially increase the metabolism of sugar and fat. You can take this compound by drinking rooibos tea or consuming green rooibos extract, which contains a high concentration of aspalathin. Again, more research (specifically in humans) is still needed to confirm the effects.

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oolong tea

This caffeinated tea can help you burn more energy because it stimulates fat burning and increases your metabolic rate. May help reduce body fat content, according to a review in Food Science and Human Welfare.



Mate tea, including the popular yerba mate tea, may have some important weight-loss benefits. A Journal of Functional Foods One study found that mate can help you burn more calories and lose weight. It can also lower cholesterol, in case you need another reason to make a cuppa.


purple tea

Purple tea is a type of green tea that was first developed in Kenya. A small study in International Journal of Biomedical Sciences found that the caffeine in purple tea leaves and extract can prevent the body from absorbing fat. Ten male participants noted weight loss and lower body fat after drinking 100 to 200 ml of the tea twice a day for a month.


Puerh tea

Fermented Pu-Erh tea comes from the Chinese province of Yunnan and is a popular weight loss aid in Asia. It contains two compounds, therabrownin and gallic acid. They can help fight free radicals and remove toxins; In addition, they have anti-obesity effects, according to a study published in International Food Research.

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