Tech-fuelled nutrition and fitness in 2022

This year, expect personalized supplements, fortified drinks, and smart wearables that promise holistic wellness.

Intuitive feeding

2022 will not be about blindly following traditional diets. Intuitive eating will teach us how to trust our body’s inherent ability to tell us when we are hungry or full. We will beware of emotional hunger that leaves us feeling guilty and depressed. We will build a conscious relationship with food and our bodies, and choose what works best for us.

Live and on-demand exercise classes

Live and on-demand exercise classes

Whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, or simply maintain a good level of fitness, virtual fitness training will help you learn Pilates, HIIT, or yoga. 2022 will see an increase in programs that will be available virtually. While on-demand classes run according to your schedule and provide access to pre-recorded sessions, live classes conducted in real time give you the opportunity to interact with your coach and those with similar fitness goals.

Value-added drinks
Value-added drinks

Value-added drinks

Immunity-boosting beverages, collagen-boosting teas, mushroom supplements to enhance performance and recovery after exercise, and adaptogen coffee – you can choose from a variety of beverages that will help improve overall health and well-being. Improved nutrition will dominate the charts in 2022.

Tailored supplements
Tailored supplements

Tailored supplements

Conscious consumers will choose nutrition plans designed specifically for them. Custom supplements and personalized nutrition will be very popular this year. This approach uses information on individual characteristics, generated by monitoring devices, blood tests, DNA samples and detailed questionnaires, and will provide specific nutritional advice, solutions and services.

Wearable technology
Wearable technology

Wearable technology

The use of fitness trackers, smart watches, and heart rate monitors that collect and collect data such as steps, heart rate, calories, time to sit and sleep, blood pressure and respiratory rate will grow by leaps and bounds in 2022. People will be very interested in incorporating this data into their training plans and fitness trips. Wearable technology in 2022 would be smarter and more powerful than ever and would include smart clothing, smart helmets, smart glasses, and smart rings.

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Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, Nutritional Scientist
Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, Nutritional Scientist

Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, Nutritional Scientist

Nourishing our immune system will be the top priority. Strengthening your microbiome will set off a great wellness trend.

Vesna Jacob, Fitness Expert
Vesna Jacob, Fitness Expert

Vesna Jacob, Fitness Expert

Mindfulness along with exercise will improve health in a healthy way. The emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our well-being will not be neglected.

Mitushi Ajmera, Wellness Coach
Mitushi Ajmera, Wellness Coach

Mitushi Ajmera, Wellness Coach

Portable trackers will become our best friend. Advances in technology will bring variety to suit individual needs and pockets.

Namita Piparaiya, Ayurveda and Yoga Lifestyle Specialist, Founder - Yoganama
Namita Piparaiya, Ayurveda and Yoga Lifestyle Specialist, Founder – Yoganama

Namita Piparaiya, yoga expert

Non-posture related yoga practices such as pranayama and meditation will become more popular in a world affected by a pandemic.

Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach

We will focus on foods that help keep inflammation under control. People will search for nutritional plans tailored to them.





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