Tempted to ditch carbs this summer? Nutrition experts explains why that’s a bad idea | BreakingNews.ie

“No Carbs Before Marbs” may have become a joke rather than a mantra (it originates from an episode of TOWIE, in case you didn’t know), but many people still believe that cutting carbs from their diet is a quick route to lose weight loss.

Especially during the summer, when there is a holiday, and the prospect of taking off our bathing suit, on the horizon (whether the destination is Marbella or not).

Really, no one should feel pressured to achieve a certain body shape at any time of the year, and you certainly don’t have to lose weight before you can enjoy your summer vacation.

But what’s really the deal with carbs? And why do nutrition experts want you to think twice about trying to cut carbs out of your diet?

What exactly are carbohydrates?

What really are carbohydrates? (Alamy/PA)

One of three macronutrients (along with protein and fat), carbohydrates fall into two different categories: simple (or refined) and complex.

“Refined carbohydrates, like bread and pasta, are digested incredibly quickly, causing your blood sugar to spike,” says Melissa Snover, registered dietitian and CEO and founder and CEO of Nourished (nutrirse.com).

“While complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole-grain bread and whole-grain pasta.”

Why do we need carbohydrates in our diet?

Carbohydrates come in many forms (Alamy/PA)

With so many misleading messages about carbohydrates, it can be easy to see them in a negative light. But carbohydrates actually play an important role in a balanced diet.

“Carbohydrates of the whole, unprocessed variety are the preferred energy source for our bodies and the main source of energy for our brains,” says nutritionist Alona Pulde of the Lifesum app (vidasum.com).

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“The fiber in carbohydrates stabilizes blood sugar, while also binding and helping to remove excess hormones, cholesterol, and additional toxins from our body.”

The fiber content also “provides volume, helps us feel full longer, satisfies our hunger drive, and promotes regular bowel habits,” adds Pulde.

Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, generally offer far fewer nutritional benefits, Pulde notes. In other words, carbohydrates are not all the same. “Processed junk carbs like cookies, cakes, candy bars, chocolate bars, and sodas lack fiber and are instead packed with calories, fat, and sugar,” says Pulde.

Why should you avoid cutting carbs?

“Avoiding carbohydrates can actually hinder weight management rather than support it, as it’s important for those looking to lose weight to maintain a balanced diet,” says Snover.

Instead, he suggests it’s best to increase your intake of high-fiber complex carbohydrates: “Because these specific types of carbohydrates help us feel full longer, in theory we should be able to eat less overall, which can help promote weight control.”

Pulde adds: “When we restrict carbohydrates, we deprive our body of the fuel it needs to thrive and you may experience side effects such as headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, and constipation, among others.”

Some carbohydrates have a lot of nutritional value (Alamy/PA)

Complex carbohydrates provide a steady release of energy. This can be helpful when considering our diet in general. “By stabilizing blood sugar levels and maintaining satiety, we feel full longer and are less likely to eat or make unhealthy food choices, or give in to temptations and cravings,” says Pulde.

If you’re curious about your nutrition, you may want to look at the types of carbohydrates you eat most often. No food is inherently ‘bad’ and there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a bit of what you fancy, but it can be beneficial to balance your intake of refined and processed carbohydrates.

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“Essentially, they are junk foods created by man to make us crave more and overeat on a regular basis,” says Pulde. “Instead, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

“These are low-calorie, low-fat, high-fiber, nutrient-dense foods that will satisfy your stomach and taste buds, turn off your hunger signals appropriately to prevent overeating, and keep you satisfied longer.”


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