Tesco issues urgent recall on chocolate bar amid health fears

Happy Free From has issued a in oat milk chocolate bars (80 g), supplied to , because they contain undeclared milk. This means that the product is a potential health risk for anyone with an allergy or intolerance to milk or milk components.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) issued a hazard statement regarding the recall: “This product contains milk, making it a potential health risk to anyone with an allergy or intolerance to milk or milk components.” milk”.

He explained that Tesco was taking steps to ensure the safety of customers.

the giant stated: “Happi Free From is recalling the old product from customers.

“The company has issued a point of sale notice to its customers.


The FSA explained: “Sometimes there will be a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold.

“Then it could be ‘recalled’ (removed from shelves) or ‘recalled’ (when customers are asked to return the product).

“Sometimes foods need to be recalled or recalled if there is a risk to consumers because the allergy label is missing or incorrect, or if there is some other food allergy risk.

“When there is a allergy risk, FSA will issue an allergy alert.

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