The #1 Best Food to Keep Your Bones from Aging, Says Nutritionist — Eat This Not That

There’s no question about it: your skeleton is a critical (but often overlooked) part of your overall health. Strong bones It stores important minerals, is less likely to break down, and supports your entire body, allowing you to move freely. Still, it’s easy to take healthy bones for granted, until a fracture or diagnosis of osteoporosis issues a wake-up call that they need attention. (don’t miss these Habits that secretly increase the risk of osteoporosis..)

Looking to dig deeper into what keeps your skeleton from aging? One of the best ways to strengthen your internal support system is through your diet. Tons of edible options Like milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, fish, and citrus fruits contain nutrients known to improve bone health (as calcium, potassium and vitamins C, D and K). So what is the best food to prevent bone aging?

As a nutritionist, my favorite for strong bones is yogurt. For starters, it’s loaded with calcium—a critical nutrient for bone density. One six-ounce container of regular plain yogurt packets 311 milligrams of this nutrient. That’s an impressive 31% of the recommended 1,000 milligrams per day!

greek yogurt

Yogurt, meanwhile, comes with a hefty dose of protein, ranging from around nine grams per six ounces in the regular variety to 16 grams by greek container. Investigate shows that getting enough protein supports bone health, especially when you have enough calcium in your system.

And did I mention potassium? In one snack size container of regular plain yogurt, you can get 15% of the daily goal for women and 12% for men. Potassium has been shown to improve bone mineral density in older people. For added bone-building benefits, some yogurts are even fortified with vitamin D.

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Not surprisingly, several studies have shown this tasty fermented food to be good bone medicine. In one study 2017 in older adults, people who ate more yogurt had higher bone mineral density and better overall physical function. Similarly, a 2013 study in more than 3,000 participants found that milk and yogurt intake was associated with hip bone mineral density (though interestingly, not spinal bone density). Other research in the American journal of clinical nutrition concluded that the consumption of dairy products (ideally three servings per day) could reduce the risk of fractures in adulthood.

Wondering if it’s better to go Greek for bone health? I say it’s a draw. Regular yogurt tends to contain more calcium than Greek, but Greek yogurt contains more protein. You can’t go wrong when choosing either, as long as you opt for a low-sugar or sugar-free variety. (If you find the yogurt tastes too tart, try adding berries or citrus fruits. Their vitamin C content will sweeten the deal for bone health.)

I’m a fan of Fage Total 2%, a Greek yogurt with just two ingredients: milk and live, active cultures. (No wonder I top this list of the best greek yogurts!) Or take a look Stonyfield Smooth & Creamy Low Fat Plain Yogurt. It’s fortified with vitamin D3, giving you a double whammy of bone-boosting calcium and vitamin D. Blended into smoothies, served in Mexican dishes, or folded into baked goods, either option is definitely a boon to your bones.

Sarah Garone, NDTR

Sarah Garone, NDTR, is a Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Technician, and a health, nutrition, and food writer. read more

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