The #1 Best Smoothie Combination for Faster Belly Fat Loss, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

When it comes to shakes, there are endless combinations of ingredients that can create a delicious drink. While this keeps things interesting and ensures an enjoyable meal or snack, not all shakes are created equal, and it’s important to choose ingredients that create a well-balanced drink, especially when you have a goal of losing body fat in mind.

The best mix of smoothies for faster belly fat loss is protein, fiber and fat. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to include these nutrients in your next smoothie, so read on for more information on how to whip up a smoothie for a trimmed midsection.

How to make a smoothie for faster belly fat loss

chia seed smoothie

While fruit is often the first ingredient you think of when making your smoothie, it’s important to choose a protein and a source of good quality fat as well. The fruit harbors many essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidantsand very important fiber. However; Because fruit is composed almost entirely of carbohydrates, it is less satiating than equivalent calories from protein- and fat-based foods.

To create a filling smoothie that covers your nutritional bases, add a source of fat and protein along with your stringy fruit. Research indicates that protein is the most satiating macronutrient and eating patterns that contain around 30% of calories from fat lead to greater weight loss than other diets.

The best shake ingredients for protein, fat and fiber.

There are so many ways to incorporate these two nutrients into smoothies. To add protein, try incorporating unflavored greek yogurt, protein powder, milk and nut butter. To increase fat, add seedslike flax and chia, nut butter, olive oiland avocado. These food sources are considered good sources of fat due to the heart-healthy fats they harbor and the unique anti-inflammatory benefits of nutrients like Omega 3.

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Fiber is one of the other important nutrients in creating a shake that helps shed belly fat and research supports that a high fiber diet can enhance weight loss. Most varieties of fruit will provide 2 to 4 grams of fiber per cup, and there are other ways to increase the fiber in your smoothie as well. Vegetables they are a great way to increase fiber while adding more micronutrients and antioxidants. Spinach, kale, mushrooms, zucchini, and beets are all good options that go well together. Both for fruits and vegetables, fresh and frozen options they are great. Also, the seeds and avocado that you can add to your smoothie for healthy fats will also add more fiber. You can also use a powdered fiber supplement for a boost.

Put off

Smoothies can be easily customized, can be whipped up quickly, and are a great on-the-go option for a meal or snack. The next time you mix one up at home, be sure to include protein, fat, and fiber for a well-balanced option that can maximize midsection weight loss.

For some ideas, don’t miss The 6 Best Smoothie Recipes to Fight Belly Fat Faster, Dietitians Say.

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