The #1 Best Supplement for Women Over 50 — Eat This Not That

Taking supplements can be beneficial in giving you the support your body needs to stay healthy. They’re great for when you need a little something extra. vitamin and mineral booster. There are also tons of supplements to choose from based on your specific needs. with some for arthritis, dementia, diabetesand even the pregnancythere seems to be an overwhelming amount to choose from.

Another factor in choosing which supplements are best for you is also based on your years. Different age groups have different needs, as do different genders also. As your body begins to age, you may find that you need specific supplements, including one for your overall health. According to Lisa MoskovitzDRCEO of NY Nutrition Group and author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan, the best supplement to take if you are a woman over 50 is a high-quality multivitamin.

“For my middle-aged clients, I typically prescribe a high-quality multivitamin that includes vitamin D for bone health, magnesium for muscle and nerve function, and antioxidants, such as resveratrol and glutathione,” says Moskovitz. “Antioxidants fight the inevitable oxidative stress that can accelerate and complicate the aging process.”

What nutrients should prioritize women over 50

Moskovitz believes that as your body progresses through different life stages, your nutritional needs change as well. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to have a variety, nutrient rich diet. This will help protect you and prevent age-related illnesses.

“Vitamin D and calcium are essential for bone health, additional vitamin B-12 counteracts the decreased rate of absorption, and focusing on fiber is key for digestive and intestinal health,” says Moskovitz. “Fortunately, you can get most of these essentials from your diet, but a supplement can help fill in the gaps and introduce additional nutrients for healthy aging.”

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RELATED: Do you need to take a multivitamin? This is what the experts say

If you’re a woman age 50 or older, you’re also in increased risk of deficiency in vitamins B6, B12 and D as you age. This could possibly be due to a medical condition, a low-calorie diet, or even a loss of appetite. Fortunately, these vitamins are most commonly found in multivitamins. You may need to take supplements that contain three vitamins if you are not getting enough nutrients.

With these supplements, there is also the possibility that gain more energy. The B vitamins in the multivitamin will help manage your fatigue throughout the day and help improve your energy and mood.

Keep in mind…

multivitamin supplementmultivitamin supplement

Like most foods you put into your body, you could potentially negatively affect your health, also. You’ll need to be careful about the types you take, as taking multivitamin supplements can lead to consuming too many vitamins that you’re not missing, which can also be dangerous. You should also be careful when mixing your multivitamin with other medications, as they could interfere with each other. These, along with other side effects, should be discussed before consuming a specific type of multivitamin supplement.

what brands to buy

If you’ve discussed your multivitamin needs and are ready to take a supplement, there are a few brands worth trying.

RELATED: Best Multivitamin Supplement Brands, Recommended by Dietitians

“Some of my most recommended brands include Oh Groove Grapethat provides 500 milligrams of resveratrol [an antioxidant]vitamin D and magnesium,” says Moskovits. “I also suggest Garden of Life Vitamin Code 50 and Wiseras much as New chapter 55+ multivitamin.”

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Kayla Garritano

Kayla Garritano is a staff writer for Eat This, Not That! She is a graduate of Hofstra University, where she majored in Journalism and double majored in Marketing and Creative Writing. read more

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