The #1 Best Yogurt for Diabetes, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

Yogurt It is an excellent option for breakfast or snack. It’s versatile and easy to eat at home or on the go. For people with diabetes, yogurt can be a good addition to their diet. Research shows that yogurt can benefit people with diabetes, as well as prevent people without the disease from developing it thanks to the concentration of fermented milk products from probioticsor live active cultures. Studies show that probiotic-rich yogurt may benefit blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes and may play a role in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by improving glucose metabolism.

“[Live, active] Cultures, also known as probiotics, are called healthy bacteria that help keep our bodies healthy and working well,” shares Amy Kimberlain, RDN, CDCESregistered dietitian and spokesperson for Academy Media for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Most yogurts contain live, active bacterial cultures and would state that on the label. Some of the alternative ‘milk’ yogurts may not, so it’s important to check and not take it for granted.”

Beyond its probiotic benefits, “yogurt is also considered a good source of proteincalcium and potassium,” says Kimberlain.

Although yogurt can provide many BenefitsHow do you know which yogurt is the right choice and which ones to avoid if you have diabetes? According to Kimberlain, she believes the The best yogurt for diabetes is a low-fat or fat-free yogurt with minimal added sugar or artificial sweeteners and more protein..

How to buy the best yogurt for diabetes

Greek yogurt with blueberries and pomegranate seedsGreek yogurt with blueberries and pomegranate seeds

This recommendation seems like a lot to follow, so how do you know which type of yogurt to choose?

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“When it comes to yogurt, grocery shopping can be pretty confusing,” explains Kimberlain. It’s one of those foods that is thought to be ‘healthy’, but when you look at it more closely, some brands it can be high in sugar and considered almost like a dessert.

To streamline your grocery shopping experience, attention Kimberlain’s advice:

Opt for low-fat or fat-free.

When deciding to choose fat-free, low-fat or whole milk yogurt, Kimberlain says that the general guidelines of the American Heart Associationas well as the Dietary Guidelines, recommend choosing low-fat or fat-free yogurt.

“People with diabetes have twice the risk of heart disease,” says Kimberlain. “This is important to help reduce your total saturated fat for the day.”

Keep added sugar to a minimum.

If you’re stuck between plain and flavored yogurt, is it possible to choose a yogurt that won’t affect your diabetes? The answer is yes, but only if the flavor contains no added sugar.

“On Nutrition Facts labels, you can now see the line for ‘added sugar,'” Kimberlain explains. “Yogurt has natural sugar in the lactose it contains. However, now with this recent addition, we can see how much added sugar different brands use.” For added sugar, the recommendation is 6 teaspoons (24 g)/day for women and 9 teaspoons (36 g)/day for men.

When in doubt, go natural and sweeten naturally with fruit or spices.

Kimberlain suggests that the goal is to reduce added sugar everywhere, so plain yogurt is the best option. He then has the opportunity to add his own fruit to “naturally sweeten” the yogurt.

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“For people with diabetes, this is a great combination of protein (in yogurt) and carbohydrates from fruit,” says Kimberlain. “Also, you can add more flavor by adding different spices/flavouring: vanilla extract, cinnamoncardamom.”

Skip the artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweeteners it can also affect diabetes, according to Kimberlain.

“As with added sugar, my recommendation is to try to lower your overall intake when it comes to artificial sweeteners,” she suggests. “Although it may seem beneficial to use artificial sweeteners because yogurt will have less total carbs (because of the artificial sweetener), I recommend using it alone and adding fruit for natural sweetness. Fruit also has fiber, which is beneficial for people with diabetes as well.” Fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels, while keeping us full longer!

Look for high-protein yogurts, like Greek yogurt.

Furthermore, Kimberlain suggests that greek yogurt it is both thicker and creamier than regular yogurt. Plus, it has more protein than regular yogurt.

“For people with diabetes, having a little more protein could be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels, since the goal is to balance carbohydrates, protein, and fat,” says Kimberlain. “And sometimes, with different meal combos, protein may be lacking, specifically at breakfast and/or snack. Therefore, this additional protein could be beneficial.”

You can try fortified plant-based yogurts.

If you can’t eat dairy, you can still benefit from plant-based options.

“Ideally, you’re looking for one that has calcium and vitamin D fortification,” explains Kimberlain. “And if you’re curious as to which one has the most similar properties to a dairy-based yogurt, that would be soy. But check out the fortification. And protein can be important when it comes to helping balance meals.”

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