The 5 mental health apps that deserve space on your phone

The pandemic has changed things, from how we live and work to how we rest. But it also brought with it a global rise in mental health. problems. And while your smartphone can’t replace a trained counselor or therapy, it can make your life easier and help guide and navigate your wellness and mental health in the right direction with the click of a button, with mental healthy apps.

While mental health apps offer enough benefits to become a highly sought-after digital tool, experts warn due diligence is needed. “Apps can’t be used to diagnose a condition and they lack the personalized, interactive approach of a real therapy session. If someone is dealing with clinical depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or anxiety, then it is better that they go to a real therapist who can guide them according to their individual needs analyzing the history and the current scenario of the person. The apps are not a substitute for professional mental health care,” warns Jenil Dholakia, holistic yoga and wellness coach. However, “it gives them a sense of connecting with a friend who can guide them. It brings responsibility rather than dependency because when a person overuses the app, the app is programmed to suggest that the user needs to see a therapist. The convenience of using these mental health apps and easy access are other benefits in addition to providing anonymity, services at lower or no cost, and 24-hour monitoring,” says Saarika Reddeppa, consulting psychologist for Beautiful Minds at SWITCH, based in Bangalore Wellness.

I Am – Daily Affirmations

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this diary affirmations The app has Bella Hadid’s seal of approval and tries to help you rewire your brain, build self-esteem, and change negative thought patterns. The key here is to try to get out of the “impossible” mindset and learn how to use positive affirmations to turn things around.


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