The 6 Best Mobility Exercises for Longevity | Well+Good

When it comes to physical activity, the equation is pretty straightforward: the more we move, the better our bodies can handle movement. However, the opposite is also true. The more sedentary we are, the stiffer and weaker we become, so movement becomes more difficult.

“Many older adults isolate themselves and become sedentary, which is why they find it difficult to walk and move when the time comes,” he explains. brittany ferryPhD, CPRP, Occupational Therapist at Medical Solutions Barcelona. “The best way to keep moving is to practice, meaning walkworking out, extensionand do whatever keeps you active.”

In particular, mobility exercises it can be an essential component in increasing longevity and quality of life, especially for older adults. These are the movements that focus on the range of motion of our joints (not to be confused with flexibility, which is about increasing the length of our muscles). Having increased mobility helps prevent falls, promotes balance and coordination, and maintains independence later in life by allowing us to function better in everyday activities.

How can mobility exercises improve longevity?

Mobility exercises can allow us to stay more active, which helps regulate blood pressure, improves circulation, keeps joints and muscles flexible, and helps with balance, explains Dr. Ferri. “This gives older adults more quality of life for longer.”

By helping us maintain proper physical strength and balance, mobility exercises keep us more confident and independent, helping us “navigate [our] environment more easily and freely,” says Dr. Ferri. “This helps older people have control over the activities they want to participate in.”

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What are the most crucial parts of mobility?

It can be daunting to feel like you have to perform a complicated exercise routine for every part and joint in your body. But Dr. Ferri says that focusing on just a few key areas can be a great starting point.

“Hip motion is something that affects walking, which is why hip fractures and hip arthritis (which leads to hip replacements) can be so debilitating,” he notes. “When older adults have enough movement in the hipsthey can walking with a wide base of supportthat helps them prevent falls and maintain their balance better.”

Dr. Ferri also says that the back and core are important areas to improve functional living. Both help us walk upright, meaning our eyes will be positioned correctly to scan the environment for hazards that might otherwise cause us to trip and fall. “Core strength also helps relieve back pain that might limit someone’s ability to walk properly and with good postural symmetry,” he says.

6 Best Mobility Exercises for Longevity and Healthy Aging

Try to do these moves for your hips, back and core as many days a week as you can, take your time and focus on proper form. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop and see your health care provider.

1. Tightrope walking

This challenging mobility exercise improves balance and rhythm when walking.

  1. Find a line on the floor (either along planks/tiles or the edge of a large rug) and slowly walk one foot in front of the other along it, keeping your arms out to your sides to keep the equilibrium.
  2. Take 20 to 25 steps and then turn around.
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2. Tree pose

Borrowed from yoga, this pose increases stability to preserve balance, posture, and mobility.

  1. Stand tall with both feet side by side with a table or counter nearby for support if needed.
  2. Raise one leg slightly and turn your foot outward to rest it on the inner edge of the opposite thigh or shin.
  3. Hold this pose for 10 to 15 seconds, then switch sides.

3. Lying marches

This is a great mobility exercise for your core and hips. The focus should be on controlling the movement, moving slowly and pulling the navel in to keep the spine neutral.

  1. Lie on your back with your hips flexed so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground, your knees in the air bent at 90 degrees, and your shins parallel to the ground.
  2. Engage your abs as you slowly lower one leg toward the ground, keeping your knee bent.
  3. Gently tap your foot on the ground, and then lift your leg back to the starting position using only your core muscles.
  4. Switch legs, alternating sides for 16 to 20 total reps (8 to 10 per leg).

4. Foot tapping

This movement improves balance and coordination, while increasing the mobility of the hip joints.

  1. Hold on to a table or counter if necessary for balance.
  2. Move one leg out to the side (as if you were spreading your legs) and touch the ground with your foot.
  3. Return your leg to the starting position next to your other foot.
  4. Rest for 1-2 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
  5. Alternate between feet for 10 total reps.
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As you get stronger, you can go faster and increase the number of repetitions.

5. Standing marches

This mobility exercise improves core strength, coordination, and postural symmetry, and can help with stable walking.

  1. Hold on to a table or counter.
  2. Engage your abs and bend one hip and one knee to lift that leg toward your chest as if you were marching in place.
  3. Alternate legs, lifting each knee as high as you comfortably can.
  4. Complete 20 repetitions, moving with control.

6. Single leg stance

This stability exercise develops hip, core, and leg strength, as well as balance.

  1. Hold on to a table or counter.
  2. Raise one leg by bending at the knee and hip.
  3. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then lower your leg.
  4. Rest for 10 seconds.
  5. Repeat five more times on the same leg, then move on to the next leg.

Remember, staying active and moving your body can be the key to staying active and healthy. Even spending a few minutes a day being active can make a big difference.

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