The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health

CLEVELAND – Brushing and flossing may seem like a mundane task, but did you know there’s actually a link between oral health and mental health?

“Mental health affects your overall health, including your oral health, or the health of your teeth and gums. Dentists are sometimes the first professionals to identify and diagnose a mental health problem and make many referrals to counselors and therapists,” explained Susan Albers, PsyD, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Albers said the health of a person’s teeth can give clues about their level of stress, anxiety, mood and the presence of chronic eating problems.

For example, if you struggle with the stress of anxiety, you may have worn down your enamel from grinding your teeth at night or clenching your jaw.

He said that people who have eating disorders often have high levels of cavities, worn enamel and gum difficulties due to malnutrition or excessive consumption of highly processed foods.

And those who are depressed may not have the motivation or energy to take care of their teeth.

Dr. Albers said they also have a higher perception of pain and avoid going to the dentist.

“If you’re having trouble with your oral hygiene, check in with yourself and ask yourself if there are any mental health issues that might be getting in the way and, if so, it may be important to acknowledge and discuss with your therapist and the two of you. together, and with your dentist, you can make sure it doesn’t get in the way of your mood or your oral health,” he said.

Dr. Albers said it can also help to eat more nutritious foods, which will not only benefit your oral health but also your mental health.

  Diet Can Influence Mood, Behavior and More - Neuroscience News

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