The creator of the ‘longevity’ diet plans on living until he’s 120. So how does it work?

You may have heard of the longevity dietand its promise of long life, but what exactly is it and is it different from other diets that promote good health?

The Longevity Diet is a set of dietary recommendations compiled by a biochemist named Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California. He is known for his research on the role of fasting, the effects of nutrients on your genes, and how they can affect aging and disease risk.

While the longevity diet has been targeted at older adults, it’s also recommended for younger people. Long has said he plans to live to be 120 years old following this diet.

So how is the diet?

Foods on this diet are vegetables, including green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, olive oil, and low-mercury shellfish.

Therefore, most of the foods in the longevity diet are plant-based. Plant-based diets are generally higher in vitamins and mineralsdietary fiber, antioxidants, and low in saturated fat and salt, leading to health benefits.

Foods that are discouraged are excess meat and dairy, and those high in processed sugar and saturated fat.

For people who don’t want to give up dairy, the Longevity Diet recommends swapping cow’s milk for goat’s or sheep’s milk, which have a slightly different effect. nutrient profile. But there is little evidence that sheep and goat milk provide more health benefits.

Including fermented dairy (such as cheese and yogurt) in your diet, as recommended in the Longevity Diet, is beneficial as it provides greater extensive microbiome (good bacteria) than any milk.

The diet recommends that people maintain a healthy weight, perhaps cutting back on snacking, particularly foods high in saturated fat, salt or sugar.(Pexels: Andres Ayrton)

Have you seen this diet before?

Many of you may recognize this as a family dietary pattern. is similar to Mediterranean diet, especially since they both feature olive oil as the oil of choice. The Mediterranean diet is promoted and supported by considerable body of evidence promote health, reduce the risk of disease and promote longevity.

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The Longevity Diet is also similar to many evidence-based national dietary guidelines, including Australia.

Two-thirds of the foods recommended in the Australian Dietary Guidelines come from plant-based foods (cereals, grains, legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables). The guidelines also provide plant-based alternatives for protein (such as dried beans, lentils, and tofu) and dairy products (such as soy-based milksyoghurts and cheeses, as long as they are supplemented with calcium).

intermittent fasting

Another aspect of the longevity diet is specific periods of fasting, known as intermittent fasting. The diet advocates eating within a 12-hour period and not eating for three to four hours before bedtime.


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