The desire to live long will be fulfilled… You will be able to live a healthy life by walking this many steps every day

How To Live Long: No matter how long the life is, but it must be healthy. In today’s era, fast food has made such an inroad in people’s life that getting rid of its addiction is a very challenging task. However, after the Corona time, health awareness has started increasing again and a large number of youth are turning towards home cooking, healthy lifestyle and yoga. Today, you are not being advised to do yoga here, but the benefits of doing such a work, which is easier than doing yoga, are being told, which most people like to do…

What to do to live a long life?

  • The most important thing to live long is to stay healthy and there is a long list of things that have to be done to keep healthy. But there is one thing, by doing which you will remain healthy in youth and live a long life, along with this your old age will also be wonderful. And this work is to walk.
  • You must have read and heard about walk that walking every day reduces obesity, increases stamina, makes heart healthy etc. But today here, know one more quality of it that walking makes life longer.
  • A study has been published in the February 2023 issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which states that walking 8,000 steps every day and 8,000 steps two or three days a week can make life longer. Because by doing this, the risk of heart disease, the risk of death due to stroke can be reduced manifold.
  • It was also told in the study that only 11 minutes of fast physical activity every day, such as vigorous walk etc., reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke manifold. Along with this, it also prevents deadly diseases like cancer from flourishing.

This research has been done in Japan

  • Researchers associated with Japan’s Kyoto University say that ‘if 8 to 10 thousand steps are taken two to three days a week, then many health benefits are seen, which can be different for every person.’ This research was started in the year 2005 and till 2019, what kind of results were seen, it was studied.
  • People of the age of 65 years and around were included for the research. While working on the results of the research, it was revealed that among those who walked 8 to 10 thousand steps two to three days a week, in the last 10 years, less than 14 percent of the people died due to heart attack and related causes. . Whereas the cause of death of most of the people who did not do this was heart attack, heart stroke or other heart related diseases.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: Due to this one disease, women’s hair falls a lot… the braid becomes thinner continuously.

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index ( BMI )

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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  Walking for so many minutes every day will increase the age, the shocking revelation in the study

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