The habit of eating strong salt can harm you, there is a risk of getting these 5 diseases

Sodium Side Effect:Sodium, which we colloquially call salt, is one of the very important electrolytes that helps in performing many functions of the body. With its help, fluid balance is maintained. Blood sugar level is maintained. Apart from nervous, muscle function, cardiac function, it helps in doing many other things properly, but they say that anything in excess is harmful. In such a situation, due to its excessive consumption, there can be many problems like heart disease, blood pressure, according to experts, we should consume 9 to 12 grams of salt every day, although the day we do workouts, we sweat a lot, in such a way that The intake of salt should be increased by about 2 grams a day.

Flatulence problem: Consuming more salt can cause flatulence because when you consume more salt, too much water in the body starts getting sour, which causes the problem of flatulence and then the stomach becomes tight.

Water Retention: Normally, some amount of sodium is found in the kidneys, so when you add more sodium to your body, the kidneys have to retain more water to compensate. When this happens, this condition is called water retention. In such a situation, there is swelling in the hands, feet and face.

BP problem:Excessive salt intake for a long time can lead to high blood pressure which can lead to high blood pressure, due to which the blood vessels can become hard and constricted. Along with this, symptoms like vomiting, nausea and weakness start appearing in the body.

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Excessive thirst: Eating foods high in salt can make your mouth dry or increase thirst, which can make you increase your fluid intake, making you urinate more often. Meanwhile, if you don’t have enough fluids, your The body’s sodium level can rise above safe levels, causing hypernatremia.” Hypernatremia, if left untreated, can result in confusion, seizures, and even death.

eczema :New research suggests that too much salt can cause eczema flare-ups. The report published in Science Translational Medicine suggests that there is a link between eating salt and the increase of T-helper cells that can lead to overactive inflammation and allergy-based diseases like eczema, arthritis and asthma.

Frequent headaches:Consuming more salt can cause frequent headaches due to dehydration. It can also trigger migraine. In such a situation, to avoid this, you need to drink a lot of water.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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