The Ideal Walking Workout Smoothie Recipe from an RD | Well+Good

I I don’t know why it took a global pandemic for so many of us (myself included) to realize the value of a good walk, but now that we’re here, I vow to never give up my daily walking habit. And, as research shows, we’re doing our bodies a lot of good when we get outside. What Well+Good has previously reported, walking every day, even just 15 minutes of walking a day, can reduce the risk of stroke and improve cardiovascular health, and can also be a effective low impact training.

Like any form of exercise, a good walk requires proper nutrition. When it comes to the nutrients you need to power your walking training, nutrition experts recommend fueling a little differently than you would for a run or other higher-intensity walk. We spoke with a registered dietitian megen erwine, DR of let’s check to get the scoop on what makes the perfect pre-hike snack. What’s even better is that it can be boiled down to a three-ingredient walking training shake recipe that couldn’t be simpler and is about to become your new staple.

How much do you need to eat to fuel your walking workout?

As with any workout, properly recharging and recovering depends largely on the intensity of the activity. There’s a very wide spectrum of hikes you could take, ranging from a leisurely coffee stroll to a more rigorous and exciting excursion. For a slow, short hike, you probably won’t need much additional fuel beyond your regular meals and snacks.

“Always remember that your daily nutritional habits will outweigh any fuel before or after training,” says Erwine. For her, focusing on fueling herself adequately for the energy expenditures of daily living will prepare her for the afternoon walk, morning meeting, middle-of-the-night babysitting, or whatever else comes her way. I present to you. “Focus on hydration and balanced meals and snacks that include complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats,” Erwine recommends. You’ll also want to support your gut health by eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut so you don’t have to fight the urge to go to the bathroom when you’re miles away from home.

Erwine says that for your longest, most vigorous hikes, you probably won’t need too lots of extra fuel, depending on your goals. Since walking requires less energy than higher-intensity activities like running or HIIT, you probably don’t need to lose sleep over carb-loading before a walk with the dog, long or short. That said, it’s important to make sure you eat a proper meal even before a low-intensity workout like walking, especially if it’s longer. “Plan to have a balanced meal 90 minutes before your workout,” Erwine recommends. “Time will allow the food you eat to be digested and converted into energy.”

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You’ll also prevent nausea if you give yourself a chance to digest before exercising. If you haven’t eaten in that time and are heading out, Erwine recommends having a small carbohydrate-based snack before you go. “A piece of fruit is a great example,” she says.

Hydration is also key

Just as important as what you’re eating before your walking workout is what you’re drinking. After all, staying properly hydrated helps your body perform basically all of its essential functions, as well as avoid headaches, fatigue, constipation, and mood swings.

Many factors affect how much water you need, including your age, activity level, and general health, but Erwine recommends a general fluid intake guideline of about 72 ounces per day for women and 100 ounces for men. If you’re doing intense exercise, you’ll want to add more water to counteract sweat and increased fluid needs due to energy expenditure (and yes, Hydration is important in winter., too!).

In general, you should listen to your body’s thirst signals and drink before, during, and after your workout. That balanced meal you’re eating an hour and a half before your hike? Erwine says to be sure to include 16 ounces of water to stay hydrated for your activity. Don’t forget your water bottle so you can drink on the go and avoid getting dehydrated as well. And by the way, Erwine says there’s no need for sports drinks for low- to medium-intensity workouts—water will replenish your fluids just fine. However, for extra credit, include one of these electrolyte-rich foods at your pre-hike meal.

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The perfect smoothie recipe for walking and working.

If you’re looking for a quick, healthy snack or small meal to prep before your hike, a shake is an easy-to-digest way to fuel your workout. It’s also easy to have all the ingredients you need on hand so you don’t run into last-minute fuss. When designing your ideal shake, Erwin says you want to make sure you include all three macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) for a balanced meal.

In this case, it comes in the form of a banana, Greek yogurt, and nut butter. “Simply mix together a frozen banana to provide complex carbohydrates, a cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt for protein, and a tablespoon of nut butter for healthy fats,” she recommends. If you don’t eat dairy, substitute soy milk or one of the higher-protein milks. vegetable yogurts in the market, As the almond-based high-protein yogurts from Kite Hill.

You can play around with this simple formula to match your preferences and what you have on hand. You don’t like bananas? Sub in another frozen fruit. Did your kids or roommates eat all the nut butter without you knowing? Add flaxseed or avocado for that fatty boost. Just hit mix and get ready to hit the streets, the treadmill, the beach, or wherever your walk takes you.

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