The main points of the guideline issued by the center regarding monkeypox

Monkeypox Safety Tips: At this time the fear of monkeypox remains very high. So far 9 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in India. These cases have come to light from Delhi, Kerala and Gujarat, while some people have been kept under observation after considering them suspicious. So that this disease can be prevented from spreading (Monkeypox Prevention Tips). Recently, the necessary guidelines regarding monkeypox have been issued by the central government. What are the important things of this guideline, know here …

What to do if you have monkeypox?

  • 21 days isolation
  • apply three layer mask
  • wash hands frequently
  • cover wounds
  • Do not use the things used by the patient suffering from monkeypox.
  • Keep your hands clean with soap, handwash and sanitizer.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

  • fever
  • Skin rash (starting on the face, sores on the hands, feet, palms and soles)
  • swollen lymph node
  • Headache
  • muscle pain or tiredness
  • sore throat and cough

If you have come in contact with any person who has had monkeypox infection in the last 21 days and you are seeing the above-mentioned symptoms, then see a doctor immediately.

What are the problems caused by monkeypox?

  • eye pain or blurred vision
  • difficulty breathing
  • frequent fainting or seizures
  • If you are having any problem like lack of urine, then contact the doctor.

Important thing about monkeypox

  • Monkeypox is a contagious disease and people affected by it require a lot of care. But you must know this thing that there is a danger of dying from this disease only in that situation, when the person does not get timely treatment and does not get the right treatment.
  • If the patient already has a serious disease and his immunity is very weak due to any reason, then his life can become in danger. However, in any case, there is a need not to be afraid of this disease, but to protect and take care of the patient.

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