The one who did not come into the world was also a victim of pollution, these parts of the child born in the womb were affected.

Air Pollution Side Effects: Increasing pollution in the environment can also target unborn children. It has been revealed in many studies that pollution has an effect on the baby growing in the womb. Now scientists have found air pollution particles for the first time in a 3-month-old fetus. Nanoparticles have been found in the liver, lungs and brain of the unborn baby. This is evidence that pollution can cross the placenta through the mother’s breath and enter the baby’s body.

This has been revealed in research from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and Hasselt University, Belgium. Scientists say that in the first 3 months of pregnancy, air pollution particles can cross the placenta and reach the baby’s body. This study has been published in the international journal Lancet Planetary Health.

Pollution particles seen in 3-month-old baby in the womb

Scientists say that this situation is worrying. Because after 3 months of the beginning the physical development of the child is fast. In such a situation, the presence of air pollution in the unborn child is worrying. In this research, thousands of black carbon particles have been found in every cubic millimeter of tissue, which were passed from the placenta to the fetus through the mother’s breath.

Pollution is affecting these parts of the baby

In this study samples were taken from the tissues of 36 fetuses, which were between 7 and 20 weeks old. Researchers say that the presence of “black carbon particles” in umbilical cord blood suggests that these particles can cross the protection of the placenta. These particles are also making space in the organs of the developing embryo. These particles can enter the baby’s brain. Due to which it can have an effect on the organs and cells of the fetus. These particles of pollution have been seen in the liver, lungs and brain of the fetus.

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Pollution problem can be serious for India

This research has been done on pregnant women in Scotland and Belgium where the level of air pollution was very low and these women do not even smoke. In such a situation, this result is a matter of seriousness for the whole world. Especially in countries like India where the level of air pollution is increasing every year.

The danger of air pollution on the baby in India

1- A research published in the journal Lancet Planetary Health states that every year 349,681 women in South Asia are deprived of the happiness of motherhood due to air pollution.
According to the data published in the Health Effects Institute, increasing air pollution in India is killing 1.2 lakh newborns every year.
2- Every year about 17 lakh untimely deaths are taking place due to increasing air pollution in India.
3- Every year about 3.5 lakh children are becoming victims of asthma due to air pollution.

read this also: How to get rid of irritation and itching in eyes due to pollution?

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