The relation of this milk with Britain… It is also a treasure trove of properties for health.

Malted Milk Benefits: Milk is seen as a healthy diet. Doctors recommend taking a glass of milk at night. Vitamin D, calcium is replenished by drinking milk. Due to this there is no deficiency of calcium in the body. Body remains energetic. A special kind of milk was also prepared in Britain. This is called malt milk. There are many benefits of this milk. Experts say that the consumption of malt milk keeps the health fit and healthy. This milk is not so popular in India. But if it is included in the daily diet, then it is a very beneficial deal. What is malt milk and what are its benefits? It is important to know this.

Know the history of first malt milk

According to media reports, William Horlick made milk for the first time in the year 1873 from wheat flour, milk powder and malted barley powder. It was named malt milk. Harlick was a leading food manufacturer in Britain. In this, elements like calcium, vitamin D, iron were specially taken care of.

Now know its benefits

cures insomnia

By drinking malt, the problem of sleep goes away to a great extent. It works to relax the brain. Drinking lukewarm milk at night is considered beneficial. You can also drink it by mixing honey in it.

hemoglobin does not decrease

Malt milk is a rich source of iron. Iron is found in it at the right level. Drinking this does not cause iron deficiency. Hemoglobin level remains fine. The person does not become anemic.

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Thyroid regulates

Selenium is also found in malt milk. Selenium works to stimulate thyroid hormones. Thyroid level is controlled by drinking a glass of milk daily.

Get Vitamin-12

Malt milk is very beneficial for the skin. Due to the presence of Vitamin B12, it works to make the skin glow.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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