The Truth About Green Tea for Weight Loss, According to a Nutritionist

Every time you open TikTok or Instagram, there is some new fashion that promises to help you lose weight fast: a new powdered drink, appetite-suppressing gummies, yet another piece of “clothing” that will make you so tight the fat just melts away like magic.

The bad news first: these tricks don’t work, and if they do, they’re definitely not healthy. Now the good news: there are many smart ways to lose weight, if that’s your ultimate goal, which includes eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats, plus exercise and getting enough rest.

Hydration is another key. Although water is always betterSugar-free drinks are also high on the list when you want to switch things up. A great in the category? Green Tea.

Weight loss, health and body image are complex issues. Before you decide to go on a diet or change your eating and drinking habits, we invite you to get a broader perspective with our exploration. on the dangers of diet culture.

Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Green tea on its own is a great sugar-free beverage option, and although not a substitute for a balanced lifestyle, it has some weight loss properties that regular H20 does not. “It’s certainly not a cure-all, but if you like the taste and enjoy drinking it, a few cups of green tea a day can help complement a healthy eating routine and may help you gradually lose weight,” he says. stefani sasos, MS, RDN, CDN, registered dietitian with the Good Housekeeping Institute.

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Potential ways it can help you in your weight loss goals:

  • May support a healthy metabolism. “Some research suggests that the caffeine and catechins (a type of polyphenol) found in green tea may help with modest weight loss, probably because they increase your metabolic rate,” explains Sassos. Your metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns doing ordinary, everyday things, i.e. sitting or cooking, not a furious HIIT workout.
  • Your training could get a boost: One area to get an unexpected jolt from your new green tea habit is your physical aptitude. Caffeine is a stimulant that activates your nervous system and is an “ergogenic aid,” says Sassos, so drinking green tea before your gym session can help you perform slightly better. But don’t overdo it: “Research consistently supports that caffeine has a positive role in physical performance, but it doesn’t affect everyone in the same way and high doses of caffeine can be dangerous and lead to undesirable side effects like anxiety or upset stomach.” . Sassos says.
  • It can help you cut down on sugar: A high sugar intake can be one of the biggest spoilers of your overall health. Including sugar-free, calorie-free beverages, such as unsweetened green tea, into your regular eating style can promote long-term healthy weight loss, says Sassos. In addition to providing a sugar-free drinking option, green tea polyphenols have been shown to positively impact heart disease risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol. Talk about a boost to whole-body wellness!

    Sassos also points out that it is always ideal to opt for foods and beverages in their whole form. The supplement industry is not well regulated, and large doses of any high potency nutrient or vitamin or mineral can be harmful. “Green tea extracts can border on the toxic range and even pose a potential risk of liver damage, while a cup of green tea is a great way to hydrate and nourish yourself.”

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    Bottom line:

    When it comes to weight loss, the impact of green tea is minimal at best, however there are other benefits to drinking it, including relaxation Y positive impact potential risk of heart disease.

    Chief editor
    Alyssa is a senior editor for the health newsroom at Hearst Lifestyle Group, which supports prevention, good housekeeping and Women’s Day.

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