The Worst Eating Habits for Memory Loss, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

You brain health It’s heavily influenced by your lifestyle, and even the foods you eat can help or hurt your brain and memory. While there are many foods known for prevent memory lossthere are other foods that have been associated with an increased risk of memory impairment and Alzheimer disease.

Fortunately, you can modify your risk of memory loss by avoiding these foods and practicing healthy eating habits.

Read on for the four worst eating habits for memory loss and for more information on how to eat healthy, don’t miss out. The #1 Best Juice to Drink Every Day, Science Says.

White bread

This is a broad category that includes processed grains that have had their bran removed, and in turn much of their fiber and nutrient content. Examples of refined carbohydrates include white flour and sugar, and common foods made with these ingredients, such as White bread, cerealand pasta.

TO 2015 revision indicates that a higher intake of simple sugar, such as the sugar found in soft drinks and candy, has been associated with lower cognitive function. And, looking at an elderly population, the the risk of mild cognitive impairment or dementia was increased in those who consumed a large number of their calories from carbohydrates.

These types of carbohydrates are also known to have a high glycemic index, which is a number assigned to foods based on how quickly and quickly they raise blood sugar. The more dramatic the rise in blood sugar, the higher the glycemic load. Studies I have found even alone a meal containing a high glycemic load may affect memory performance in healthy children and young adults.

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While it’s possible to enjoy refined carbohydrates as part of a complete, healthy diet, complex carbohydrates are best. “healthy” carbohydratessuch as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes that have a lower glycemic load.


You may have heard recommendations to avoid mercury in fish specifically for pregnant women, but research indicates that it’s best for everyone to consider the amount of mercury they consume. This heavy metal is considered a neurotoxin and can disrupt the nervous system and brain development, and research indicates mercury poisoning can lead to cerebral palsy and developmental delays.

Mercury can accumulate in bodies of water and in the fish that inhabit these waters. Larger fish with longer lives, such as tuna, swordfish, and king mackerel, are more prone to mercury contamination and should be limited. among young children and pregnant women, as they are more susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury.

While certain populations are at higher risk for serious complications, adults can safely consume two to three servings of fish per week as part of a healthy diet. In fact, some varieties of fish, such as tuna and salmon, contain essential elements omega-3 fatsand all varieties of fish are rich in protein and contain many important vitamins and minerals.

RELATED: Surprising side effects of eating fish, according to science

pour sugar in coffeepour sugar in coffee

Time sugar substitutesLike aspartame, they have the benefit of providing sweetness without calories, these sugar alternatives are controversial when it comes to health metrics, including brain health.

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A study analyzed cognitive, mood, and depressive characteristics in people following a diet high in aspartame and found these people become more irritable, show more depression, and score lower on a cognitive test than when they follow a low-aspartame diet. While this specific study did not observe an influence on working memory, another study conducted on mice observed poor memory performance in mice given aspartame.

The researchers suggest that the negative memory outcomes were likely due to increased oxidative stress and decreased glucose availability in the brain following repeated administration of aspartame.

You can associate artificial sweeteners with diet drinks, and that’s a dietary source of these sugar substitutes; however, you’ll also find aspartame and other sugar alternatives in flavored yogurts, sugar-free candies and other sweets, protein bars, and gum.


Unsaturated fats are generally considered to be the best source of dietary fat due to the health benefits they provide. While this is true for plant-based unsaturated fats found in foods such as avocado, walnut seedsand olive oil, manufactured fats are a different story. Trans fat is a form of manufactured unsaturated fat that is believed to have negative effects on the body and brain.

Additionally, saturated fats, found primarily in animal products, can also have a worrying impact on the brain. A study notes that higher intakes of saturated and trans fats are associated with poor recall and recognition on a test of cognitive performance. Other study found similar results when pointing out a relationship between the intake of saturated and trans fats and the risk of cognitive disorders.

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While saturated fats can be found naturally in animal products such as beef, eggs, and cheese, trans fats are more commonly found in processed foodssuch as margarine and shortening, and foods made with these ingredients, such as baked goods.


While the impact of foods on brain health and memory is still being researched, current data provides enough information to warrant caution when consuming the above foods.

Genetics and other factors likely play a role in memory as well, but food choices are an actionable step you can manage in an effort to maximize brain and memory health.

And for more, take a look The best supplements for memory loss, dietitians say.

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