The Worst Juices to Buy at Costco Right Now, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

Not all juices are the same. In fact, many of them are made with a ton of added sugar that isn’t natural. CostcoThe juice selection is, of course, quite extensive, but several of the options are ones you should leave on the shelves so you don’t have the full-size option in your fridge.

Before going into what you should not to drink, this is what you should: 100% juice. Before you bring juice home from Costco (or any grocery store), check the Nutrition Facts label. You are looking for juices that are made primarily from real productswithout sugar or high fructose corn syrup. The added sugar content on the label will also tell you if you’re picking something that’s too loaded with the sweet stuff. If it has the 100% juice label on the front, check the label on the back, but this is most likely your best bet!

Now let’s get into the ones you want to avoid, according to food nutrition experts.

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sunny delight

Although delicious, Sunny D is a sad excuse to Orange juice. It’s loaded with sugar and can actually make you thirstier after drinking it.

“Made with 12 grams of added sugars and high fructose corn syrup as the first ingredient, this drink is not the same as drinking 100% orange juice, which contains no added sugars or artificial ingredients,” says a dietitian Registered Charleston. lauren managerMS, RDN, LD.

Instead of this, you should go for pure orange juice so that you can get some important vitamins and minerals.

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“If you are interested in vitamin C, you can also get it from 100% orange juice like thisadds Kacie Barnes, MCN, RDN, of mom knows nutrition.

squeezed juices cold squeezed juices

squeezed juices cold squeezed juices

The juice cleans like East It can be tempting, especially after a holiday or vacation where you might have eaten or drunk more than you planned. Cleanses aren’t really a good idea, though, Barnes says, and should be avoided.

“You don’t need to drink juice to ‘cleanse’ your body, your liver does it,” she says. “This three-day program will leave you with a headache, hungry and will probably binge once it’s over, if you can make it to the end. I don’t recommend it.”

Instead of doing a cleanse, focus on eating well-balanced meals throughout the day and drinking plenty of water to get back on a healthy eating plan.

kirkland lemonadekirkland lemonade

Another delicious juice that will do nothing for you is kirkland lemonade. It makes sense that it would have to be pretty sweet to taste good, it is lemonadeafter all, but it is very, very sweet.

“With 29 grams of added sugars and very little in the nutrition department, this lemonade is a sugar bomb that is essentially empty calories,” says Manaker.

It’s best to squeeze some fresh lemon into a glass of water for that hint of flavor without added sugar.

v8 splash juice drink fruit potpourri

v8 splash juice drink fruit potpourri

V8 drinks are the ones that make you think you are drinking something healthy because they are advertised as having fruits and vegetables in that. And some of them are not so bad! However, V8 Splash is not one of the best options in the collection, despite the fact that it seems to be packed with fruit.

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“V8 splash has added high fructose corn syrup, you’ll get better nutrition with any of the 100% juice options Costco sells,” says Barnes.

kool aid citrus jammers

kool aid citrus jammers

We love a kid’s drink as much as kids do, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. On the other hand, you probably already knew that Kool-Aid Jammers weren’t a great choice because of how sugary they are. You would be right in assuming so.

“Since the second ingredient is high fructose corn syrup and it is made with artificial colors, this beverage is not equivalent to the nutrition provided by 100% fruit juice, despite having fruit flavor and color” says Manager.

Although you can drink this juice in moderation as a treat, it’s not one you should have on a regular rotation.

costco gatoradecostco gatorade
Courtesy of Costco

The popular sports drink It’s probably not something you’re going to have with your breakfast, but it’s still juice.

“It’s pretty high in added sugar and I only recommend it for endurance athletes,” says Barnes.

It can give you a bit of a boost if you’re working out hard, but otherwise sticking with water is a better option.

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