These 5 vitamins and minerals are necessary for the child, otherwise he will fall ill again and again

Vitamins And Minerals For Kids: The physical and mental development of the child is very fast. In such a situation, it is necessary to give all the necessary vitamins and minerals to the body. Attention should be paid to strengthening the immunity of children from childhood. For this it is necessary to give a nutritious diet to the child. The child needs a lot of vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency affects the development of the child and the child becomes ill again and again. A balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates should be given in the diet of children. Let us know which vitamins and minerals children need.

essential vitamins for kids

1- Vitamin D- To make the bones of growing children healthy and strong, feed things rich in vitamin D. In the beginning, doctors also give vitamin K supplements to children. This strengthens the immunity of the child and protects the body from diseases.

2- Vitamin C- You must include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C in the diet of the child. This strengthens immunity. It is important to have strong immunity to avoid seasonal diseases and any infection.

3- Iron- There should not be a deficiency of iron in the child’s body. Due to lack of iron, the gums start turning black. There is a lack of blood in the child’s body and the child can become anemic. Give children iron supplements and a diet rich in iron.

4- Protein- Protein is very important for the height and physical development of the child. Protein is essential for building muscle and tissue. Due to lack of protein, the muscles start getting weak. This can affect the growth of the child. Therefore, give food rich in protein to children.

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5- Calcium- To keep bones and teeth healthy, include things rich in calcium in the diet. There are many problems with the teeth of children. For this, feed them a diet rich in calcium. Calcium helps in proper development of bones.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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how to increase immunity in child

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