These 6 symptoms start appearing in the body when cholesterol increases… Do not ignore even by mistake

Warning Sign Of High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is a very serious problem. The high level of cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart diseases. Due to this, you can become a victim of serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. Let us tell you that cholesterol is a wax substance found in the blood which is necessary for bodily functions, but when its level increases, it can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and other heart-related diseases. However, when cholesterol in the body When the level of cholesterol increases, then the body continuously gives its signals, identifying which you can get it treated. Let us know what are the symptoms seen in the body when cholesterol increases.

These 6 symptoms appear in the body when cholesterol increases

High BP-Uncontrolled high blood pressure can often be linked to high cholesterol levels. Due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, they can become hard, due to which the resistance increases and the blood pressure increases. If your reading is consistently above 130/80 mmHg, it is important to discuss the possibility of high cholesterol with your doctor, as both conditions significantly increase your risk of heart disease.

breathlessness-Due to increased cholesterol, there may be difficulty in breathing due to reduced blood flow to the heart or lungs. As plaque builds up in the arteries, it limits the supply of oxygen-rich blood to many organs. This can result in shortness of breath. If you are having trouble breathing without any effort, you may Should contact the doctor.

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Chest pain- Chest pain or discomfort, also known as angina, can be a symptom of high cholesterol. When arteries become blocked due to a build-up of plaque, it restricts the flow of blood to the heart. This can result in chest pain, tightness or pressure.

Fatigue and weaknessPersistent fatigue and weakness can be a sign of high cholesterol level. When arteries become clogged with plaque, it blocks blood flow and oxygen delivery to different organs and muscles, causing fatigue and low energy levels. If yes then you should be alert.

Yellow deposits on the skinYellow deposits can appear on the skin due to high cholesterol, which is known as Xanthomas. These deposits are usually visible on your knees, hands and feet.

tingling sensationDue to increase in cholesterol, the flow of blood is not done properly. This causes tingling in the hands. Hearing is often felt in the hands and feet.

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