These are major problems with the uterus, which can be dangerous if ignored.

Uterus problems: The uterus is a very important part of a woman’s body, which supports the fetus during pregnancy, but sometimes problems can occur in the uterus, which can be dangerous for women. These problems should never be ignored. As soon as these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. Let us know what problems can occur in the uterus and what their symptoms are…

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What are the problems with the uterus?

1. Inflammation of the uterus

Inflammation of the uterus can be caused by a bacterial infection. In this they often have stomach pain, fever or vaginal discharge may also occur. Such problems should not be ignored.

2. Polyps in the uterus

Uterine polyps in women are a problem that can occur on the lining of the uterus. In this, the periods do not arrive on time. Stomach pain often persists, there is fatigue for no reason or there may be problems with vaginal discharge.

3. Fibroids

It is a disease related to the uterus, in which lumps form inside or outside the uterus. These are called tumors. For this reason, the periods of the woman who suffers from it may be affected and anemia, that is, a blood deficiency, may occur. You may even have to deal with infertility. Ignoring this problem can be costly.

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4. Endometriosis

  ब्रेन के लिए अद्भुत फायदेमंद है खजूर, जानें इसे खाने का सही तरीका

The lining of this uterus-related disease is called the endometrium. It leaves the body in the form of bleeding during menstruation. When endometriosis occurs, the endometrium grows in places where it should not grow. Such as tissues of the ovaries, intestines and pelvic cavity. Instead of coming out, blood begins to accumulate inside the tube, causing problems during pregnancy.

Many studies have shown that one in ten women worldwide suffer from this problem. This can cause problems like infertility.

Treatment of uterus problems

1. Doctors may give antibiotics to treat inflammation or infection of the uterus.

2. Uterine polyps or tumors can be treated surgically.

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