These babies born with tail, after watching the video you will also say how this can happen! you won’t believe

The video of a child born with a tail is becoming very viral on social media these days. Social media users are also giving different reactions on the video. This video is also surprising people more because the tails are of animals, but the tail of a human child is surprising as well as troubling. There are only a few cases of human babies being born with tails all over the world. The only difference between an animal’s tail and a human’s tail is that if a human child is born with a tail, then there is no bone in the tail and there is a bone in the tail of animals. One thing is clear after reading the comments of social media users on the video that even today in 21st century India, there is no superstition regarding these things. Often such born children who have a tail or two heads or two legs, hands are considered by some people to be the incarnation of Goddess, while some people compare it with the sins of the previous birth. But today, what are these children called in the language of medical science, which is influenced by these superstitions? Will talk about him. As well as due to what reasons it happens. Today we will talk about all these.

The length of the tail of the children born is so many centimeters

Till now the human children who are born with tail, their tail length is up to 18 cm long. According to official records, the number of babies born with tails in the whole world is 40. These tails are soft, without bone, finger like design. Which can be removed through surgery.

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Our ancestors i.e. human ancestors were monkeys

According to the researcher, seeing the cases of children with tail in the whole world, the interest to know about it increases, after all, due to which reasons children are born with tail. On the other hand, it is also a matter of concern. Many researches agreeing on this point and linking it with the old theory. According to the old theory, the ancestors of humans were chimpanzees and they used to have tails. Chimpanzees gradually evolved and the tails disappeared, then they became humans. But even today some children are born with a tail, so it is common.

human babies have two types of tails

From the theory of Charles Darwin, the development of tail in humans and the misunderstanding about it starts from that time only. Darwin said in his theory that having a tail in humans is a phenomenon. This is the gift of our ancestors who were chimpanzees. Then gradually they developed and in the end they became humans. In the 1980s, scientists adopted this theory and worked with it. He argued that there is a genetic change that was developed by humans to remove our tails. Which can sometimes revert to its ancestral state.

A seminal paper in 1985 defined two different types of ‘tails’. It was clearly written that human children can be born with a tail. It was told that the tail in human children is believed to be inherited from our ancestors. But anyway there are human children who have a bone in their tail, it is known as tailbone. This means that the bone in the tail is also involved. This is known as a ‘pseudotail’.

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5 week embryo forms a neural tube like a tail

If we understand this in simple language, then in the womb of a woman, the embryo develops a neural tube and a tail-like structure made of notochord in about 5 weeks. Which is like a backbone in the beginning. Later the embryo gradually develops and the tail disappears. But due to poor diet and genetic disease, some children have that tail. Because of which that child is born with a tail after 9 months.

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