These diseases occur in the rainy season, protect them in these ways

Rainy Season Health Care Tips: Due to the humidity in the rainy days, the necessary environment and breeding grounds are easily available for the growth of bacteria and viruses. This is the reason that infectious diseases spread more during the rainy days. This infection can be due to water as well as due to contaminated food. Due to air and contact with each other, many diseases spread during the monsoon season. like…

  • skin infection
  • cold and flu
  • typhoid
  • hepatitis A
  • Malaria and Dengue
  • Cholera

How is skin infection spread?

Usually, skin infection occurs when any infected person comes in close contact, using his used things. The fungus develops very quickly during rainy days. That’s why you should take more care of hygiene.

Cold and Flu
The problem of cold and flu is more due to getting wet in the rain or coming in contact with an infected person. Sometimes there is also an effect of winter and heat. Because during the rainy days, sometimes the heat intensifies and sometimes the weather becomes cold due to rain. In such a situation, eat food that increases immunity.

Typhoid Fever
Typhoid is usually caused by contaminated food and water. This is also a kind of bacterial infection. Therefore, eating outside food or stale food should be avoided during the rainy season.

The problem of cholera or cholera is caused by contaminated water. The contamination of drinking water is a common problem during the rainy season. Therefore, the purity of the water should be continuously checked.


The problem of hepatitis is also caused by infected food and water. But when the most effect of this infection is on the liver, it is called hepatitis. If the liver is sick, there is a problem of fever and vomiting. Therefore, this disease is also associated with hygiene and cleanliness.

Malaria and Dengue

Fever named Malaria and Dengue also spreads very much during the rainy days. Both these fevers are caused by mosquito bites and due to logging of rain water at places during monsoon, mosquitoes get abundant breeding grounds. Therefore their outbreak also increases. For protection, do not allow water to accumulate around the house. If there is any water filled, put kerosene in it. This will prevent mosquito larvae from breeding.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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