These people should not swim even by mistake, know this important thing before entering the pool.

Side effects of swimming: Swimming is a cure for many diseases. It is one of the best exercises. It comes under cardio activities and is very effective. Swimming can relieve problems like knee pain and obesity. According to experts, swimming just 30 to 40 minutes a day can keep the body healthy, but there are certain conditions in which swimming should not be practiced, otherwise it may cause harm instead of benefit.

When should you not swim?

1. Hypoglycemia
If a person’s sugar level remains low, he or she should avoid swimming. Depending on the sugar level, such exercise should be planned only on the advice of a doctor. Otherwise, you may faint while swimming, which can be dangerous.

2. Contagious diseases
Swimming should be avoided in case of contagious diseases like cold, cough, skin and allergies. In such a situation, one should avoid going to the swimming pool, otherwise many types of problems may arise (disadvantages of swimming).

3. After surgery
If surgery has been performed, swimming should not be practiced immediately after or when there are stitches in the body, otherwise the problems may worsen. Even if there is a wound somewhere on the body, one should avoid going to the pool. Otherwise, the injury may become serious if it gets wet in the water.

What to do before swimming
Not only swimming, before doing any training, one must first understand and learn its intricacies. If you have never done swimming before, start by training and then integrate it into your daily life. For this, one must also understand the needs of the body. Since swimming is a tiring activity, if the body is not strong, it can cause harm rather than benefit.

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swimming pool dangers

Besides diarrhea, swimming can also cause skin infections, ear infections, and eye infections. These are the parts of the body that come into direct contact with the environment and are mainly caused by organisms that naturally live in water. Common organisms that cause pool infections are Cryptosporidium, Legionella, Pseudomonas, Norovirus, Shigella, E. coli, and Giardia.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Read also : Symptoms of Diarrhea: If you suffer from diarrhea in summer, take care of yourself by staying home.

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