These reasons also cause itching in the ear, there is no rest

Cause of Itchy ears: There can be many different reasons for itchy ears. For example, ear infection, excessive increase in the amount of natural wax produced inside the ear, fungal or bacterial infection in the ear. But apart from these, a big reason for ear itching is the dandruff cause for ear itching.

Yes, the connection of itchy ears with dandruff may surprise you. But it is completely true and medically proven fact that people who have dandruff in their head, they have a lot of problem of itching in the ear. This happens for many reasons…

  • Dandruff itself is a type of fungal infection, which can occur in anyone’s head due to different reasons. But people who have dandruff in their head for a long time or always, after a time the problem of itching in their ears starts.
  • Dandruff is not visible in some people’s head but they have fine dandruff in their head, which is deposited in the hair roots and appears when itchy or gets filled in the nails. Such people also have a lot of problem of itching in the ear.
  • People who have oily hair, the dandruff sticks to the skin of the head and gets deposited in the upper part of the ear, such people also have a lot of problem of itching in the ear or say that they have to be inside the ear. There is severe itching in the part.
  • People who do more swimming can also have problem of itching in the ear. Because if water gets into the ear, then due to moisture, bacterial and fungal infections can flourish, which becomes the reason for itching.
  • If you have hay fever i.e. a condition in which there are symptoms like itching in the ears, runny nose, sneezing, problems in the throat, then you may have an itchy ear problem.
  • People who have problems with pollen allergies, ie pollen grains, may have itching in the ears while eating certain food items.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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