These supplements can reduce side effects after covid vaccine – Research

Covid 19 : In a research conducted in Italy, it has been found that if your diet is healthy then you are at less risk of Kovid. Not only this, it also works to reduce the effects seen after vaccination. In this research, a relationship has been found between the corona vaccine and supplements. Researchers believe that supplements like omega-3 and minerals can protect you in Kovid. If some supplements are included in your diet, then problems like diarrhea and nausea do not occur after vaccination or it can be easily reduced. Let us know what is this research and its result.

Supplements boost energy

In this research, researchers have found that good supplements work to boost your immunity and also help the vaccine to protect your body. Actually, when the corona epidemic had engulfed the whole world, then scientists discovered the vaccine to save you from it. Which is also very effective. But after getting the vaccine, problems like pain, swelling, fever, vomiting and diarrhea were also seen. Keeping this in view, this research was done. It was found that if your diet includes certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients like omega-3, then they boost immunity by reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

what is this research

This research included 776 people aged 18 to 86 in Italy. It was found in this study that along with omega-3 and mineral supplements, vitamins are very beneficial in reducing the post-vaccination effect. The people involved in the research who used such supplements had negligible side effects of vaccination as compared to those who did not consume it.

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Highlights of research

Due to the deficiency of micronutrients, there is a problem in the formation of antibodies.

Micronutrients are not only helpful in reducing the risk of COVID-19 and its treatment, but can also reduce the post-vaccination reaction.

Consuming zinc supplements in the diet helps in combating SARS-CoV-2 infection and improving immunity. Omega-3 also works in a similar way.

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