These tips are of great use, you will definitely be useful in the rainy season

Do And Don’ts In Rainy Season: The weather of drizzling rain looks very pleasant. The mind becomes happy seeing greenery all around. Nature spreads beauty all around and the air becomes pleasant. In the rain, the mind wants to dance like a peacock. That is why children and elders are not able to stop themselves from bathing in the rain, but by doing so, diseases also start bothering them immediately. People often get sick after getting wet in the rain. Due to the humidity in the weather, people start facing many problems. If the sun does not come out, then the clothes do not dry for many days. The problem of fungus increases. Colds and infections start happening. In such a situation, today we are telling you some tips that are useful in the rain, you must follow them.

1- Before leaving the house in the rain, definitely apply sunscreen on the face.
2- Whenever you go out of the house, carry an umbrella and raincoat with you.
3- Carry a polythene or water proof cover to protect the phone or laptop from getting wet.
4- Avoid wearing white and light colored clothes during the rainy season.
5- Use a thin sheet and towel of light cloth in the rain, which dries quickly.
6- Do not wash clothes everyday in the rain. Wash clothes on the day when the sun comes out. Dry the clothes in the sun or in the air.
7- Wear only plastic sandals or slippers in the rain when you come out of the house.
8- Keep food items closed in an airtight container. Close the box of pickle and murabba tightly.
9- Drink tea made from cloves, black pepper, ginger and basil after getting wet in the rain.
10- When the sun comes out, definitely dry your bed in the sun. Moisture allows germs to grow.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Monsoon Tips: Humidity turns color dark in rain, so these tips will enhance the complexion

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