This 10-minute core workout from a top FightCamp coach is your express ticket to six-pack heaven

The best way to get a six pack is to work your entire core, not just your abs. If it’s washboard abs you’re after, you need to check out this core workout from our friends Team FightCamp – it’s intense, effective, and a lot of fun. Best of all, it only takes 10 minutes, so you can use it as a stand-alone ab workout or as a supplement to other exercises you might be doing.

Today, your instructor is Shanie “Smash” Rush, an undefeated professional mixed martial artist, founding trainer of FightCamp, and mother of two. She has a true passion for living a healthy and fit lifestyle and has worked hard to integrate it into all areas of her life. She also loves to ride skateboards, among other things.

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