This Air Bike and Dumbbell Workout is the Perfect Finisher

With nicknames like ‘Satan’s Tricycle’, ‘The Bicycle of Death’ and the oft-heard ‘Can I row for you, please?‘ It’s safe to say that the air bike has a bit of a reputation.

PR issues aside, there are few machines with the ability to take you from 0-100 as fast as this fan-driven menace. With that in mind, we’ve created a fast air bike protocol, designed for days when your workout hasn’t tickled all the right places, or you just need a sub-ten-minute blast to blow through. Get rid of the cobwebs and open up those lungs.

Combining a full-body, high-rep dumbbell blast in a ‘powerhouse’ fashion, this workout delivers your daily dose of muscle- and endurance-building medicine with zero failure. But you’re going to have to work for it. Hard.

start with a 25 calorie sprint on the bike, followed by 25 boosters, completing the first round. Immediately follow up with 20 of each, then 15, back and forth until you reach a final 5 rep. Rest just enough to keep your form sharp and steer clear of injuries, but remember: this is a sprint, so keep up the pace and hold on tight.

The training

Air Bike x20/15/10/5cals

Get ready on the bike: your back should be straight and the saddle adjusted so you have a slight bend in the knee at the bottom of your bike (A). Perform a max effort run until the display shows the desired number of calories, keeping your torso and head upright and controlling your breathing (B.). Push the first few calories as hard as possible, then set your pace.

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Weights, exercise equipment, overhead press, shoulder, dumbbell, physical fitness, arm, muscle, bodybuilding, standing,

Thrusters x20/15/10/5

Clean your pair of dumbbells rise to your shoulders and squat down, keeping your back straight and chest up, until your thighs are parallel to the ground (A). Return to standing explosively and in one motion press both dumbbells overhead to full lockout (B.). Now reverse the movement and repeat. Quickly.

Robert Hicks is the executive editor of Men’s Health.

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