This Bodybuilder Shared a ‘Thor’-Inspired Body Transformation Plan

Following on from a video earlier this year in which he and his brother recreated Chris Hemsworth Thor: love and thunder exercise, YouTuber and Buff Dude Hudson White just demonstrated an arm and shoulder routine inspired by the Marvel superhero, which can be performed at home as long as you have access to dumbbells and a barbell.

White begins the workout with a 10-minute upper body warm-up and then starts with 3 sets of 15 dumbbell lateral raises. “It helps if you have a slight bend in your elbows to contract the muscles and stabilize the joint,” he says. “If you want more traps involved, raise the dumbbells a little bit off parallel to the ground.”

The second exercise is the overhead barbell press, performed in 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, and 8 reps respectively. White calls this “arguably the best shoulder exercise ever,” as it hits every part of the delts, adding, “Start good, start light…lower before you start throwing that heavy weight.”

Next is 3 sets of 12 dumbbell upright rows, then White moves on to the arms with 3 sets of 10 dumbbell french presses, layered with 3 sets of 10 incline dumbbell pushups. This is followed by another bi and tri superset of bench cross dips and alternating hammer curls, each done in 3 sets of 10. The final superset comprises reverse barbell curls with an overhand grip to target the forearms and forearm curls. fingers (3 sets of 10 on each).

White’s training finisher hits his core; Using a barbell as a makeshift sit-up wheel, he performs 3 sets of 10 sit-up rollouts. “In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult exercises in the entire workout,” she says.

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