This country came in the grip of smoking, this big step was taken to get rid of the addiction of the youth

No Smoking Day 2023: Smoking is a dangerous to health. Must have read this slogan written many times. Must have heard from people’s mouth too. Smoking cigarettes, bidis and other tobacco products has a serious effect on a person’s health. Due to smoking, the lungs become weak and people start struggling with various respiratory diseases. Asthma is one of those serious diseases. Once you become asthmatic, you have to suffer from this disease for the rest of your life. No Smoking Day is observed every year on the second Wednesday of March to create awareness among people about the ill effects of smoking and to motivate them to quit smoking. Why is No Smoking Day celebrated on Wednesday only? It has its own history. It is also important to know this.

Because of this no smoking day is celebrated

Its history is linked to the United Kingdom. Actually, people in the United Kingdom started getting addicted to smoking. A large population of the country has come under the grip of this addiction. The government of the United Kingdom decided that a plan should be prepared to save people from this addiction. After this, a special campaign was launched on Wednesday of March. It was named Ash Wednesday. It was celebrated for the first time in the year 1984 in the UK. However, as time passed, it started being celebrated on the second Wednesday of March. Now this day is celebrated every year on the second Wednesday of March all over the world.

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it was intended

This day was started with the aim of helping the addicted people to quit smoking forever. This is a health awareness day. Every year is celebrated with a different theme. Experts say that smoking is an addiction. Once nicotine flows in the blood, it becomes addictive. People are not able to remain deprived of it for long.

Programs are organized on this day

Apart from the United Kingdom, programs are organized around the world to bring awareness against smoking on this day. People who want to quit smoking. They are also invited in this program. Apart from this, those who want to get others out of the quagmire of intoxication. They are also added on this day. It has also been revealed in a study that due to this day, many people are motivated to give up drugs.

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