This disease can occur due to folic acid deficiency, know what the main source is

Folate deficiency can also cause anemia. Anemia can occur when your body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells. Your body needs red blood cells to provide oxygen to your body’s tissues.

Folate deficiency anemia is a disease that can be caused by a deficiency of folic acid. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, helps the body produce red blood cells. When there is not enough folic acid. This causes the body to produce abnormally large, oval-shaped red blood cells that do not live as long as normal red blood cells. This condition is called megaloblastic anemia.


Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, lack of energy, shortness of breath, headaches, pale skin, and fastness. racing heart, weight loss and ringing in the ears If left untreated, folic acid deficiency can lead to pancytopenia, glossitis, angular stomatitis and mouth ulcers. It can also cause neuropsychiatric manifestations such as depression, irritability, insomnia, cognitive decline, fatigue and psychosis.

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Risk factors

Risk factors for vitamin deficiency anemia include certain autoimmune diseases, surgery to remove part of the stomach or intestine, older age, and frequent alcohol use.

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Pregnant women< /p >

  हेल्दी हार्ट के लिए फॉलो करें आयुर्वेद के ये नियम, 50 फीसदी खतरा हो जाएगा कम

Pregnant women need to consume enough folic acid to support the developing brain and spinal cord of the fetus. Its deficiency can cause serious birth defects called neural tube defects. If you have symptoms of folate deficiency anemia, you should contact your provider.

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