This disease is spreading rapidly among children in Kerala

Treatment of Norovirus: The effect of coronavirus had just reduced that a new disease has knocked. Like Coronavirus, Noravirus has created panic. Many cases of this disease are coming in South India, especially in Kerala. It has become a big challenge in front of the government and administration. 62 students of a private school in Ernakulam district of Kerala have fallen prey to this disease.

This disease is spreading in children

According to the senior medical officer of the district, seeing the symptoms of this disease in two students, at present two samples have been sent to the lab. In which both the reports have come positive. Symptoms of noravirus have been seen in children as well as their parents. This disease is spreading more in children. Let’s know what are its symptoms? And the way to avoid it and the treatment.

‘World Health Organization’ According to the WHO, about 68 people are infected with Noravirus every year in the whole world. Among the infected people, the maximum number of children from the age of 5 years to less are present. The number of children infected with this disease is 200 million. Due to this dangerous virus, about 2 crore people die every year. The number of people who died is 50 thousand only children.

‘America’s Center for Disease’ According to the people infected with noravirus, stomach problems start in the beginning. You can also call it stomach flu and stomach bug. But it has been proved in many research that this stomach flu is related to influenza virus.

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What is norovirus that is spreading rapidly among children

According to America’s National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, a group of many viruses is called norovirus. It is highly contagious. As soon as this disease enters a person’s body, it seriously affects his stomach and intestines. Due to this, the problem of gastroenteritis starts in the infected patient first. Only in America, about 21 million people are infected with this serious disease. You will be surprised to know that about 4 lakh people are admitted in the emergency department due to this disease.

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