This is the main reason for hair fall in 90 percent of the people… Baldness starts increasing

Hair Fall Prevention: If you are troubled by fast hair fall and fear of baldness is troubling you, then this story is especially for you. Because whether your hair is falling less or more, the main reason for hair loss is the same for most people. What is this and how can it be avoided, this story has been told about it. Try following the tips mentioned here once, you will definitely see the effect…

Why does hair fall?

This thing has also come to the fore in many researches and doctors also agree on the basis of their experience that due to lack of vitamins in the body, hair falls rapidly. Especially due to lack of Vitamin-D. Along with vitamin-D and folic acid, deficiency of many other vitamins also makes hair thin, weak, split and white. Overall, 90 percent of the people face the problem of hair fall because there is some or the other vitamin deficiency in their body or hormonal imbalance is going on.

Does Vitamin Deficiency Cause Hair Fall?

Due to deficiency of Vitamin D, hair and skin related problems increase very fast. If there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, then the natural hair cycle gets disturbed, due to which hair falls more. Because this vitamin works to create new hair follicles and accelerate hair growth.

Effect of Vitamin-B12 on hair

This vitamin helps in maintaining continuity in hair growth by increasing red blood cells. That is, with the help of this the hair keeps on growing continuously. Too much hair fall due to thyroid. This vitamin maintains thyroid levels and reduces hair fall.

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Hair fall due to lack of these nutrition

Even if there is a deficiency of calcium, magnesium and zinc in the body, hair falls very fast. But keep in mind that only calcium will not work, but you will also have to consume vitamin-D along with it. If there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, then calcium is also not absorbed.

These two diseases increase hair fall

Diabetes and PCOS are two diseases that cause rapid hair fall. During this also you can stop hair loss by focusing on your diet.

How will hair fall stop?

Obviously, in order to stop hair fall, one has to first remove the deficiency of vitamins in the body and also pay attention to the hormonal balance. After this comes the number of hair care, for which Bhringraj, Amla, Aloe vera, Brahmi, Gulhad, Neem are used. These are some such Ayurvedic herbs, which reduce hair fall very fast. Especially if mixed with amla, aloe vera and lemon If herbal hair serum is prepared, then the difference is visible only after using it for the first time..

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Will regret if not tried… This domestic hair serum will be made in less than 50 rupees, the result will be visible in the first time itself.

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