This medicine is first given to the patient after a heart attack, know its name.

Heart attack is a medical emergency. If you think you or someone else is having a heart attack. The first thing to do is to call 911 or the local emergency number. The average person waits 3 hours before seeking help with heart attack symptoms. Many heart attack patients die before reaching the hospital. The sooner a person arrives at the emergency room, the better their chances of survival.

If a person has suffered a heart attack, they should chew and swallow a 325 mg aspirin tablet until they arrive at the hospital. Provided you are not allergic to aspirin and can take it safely. Aspirin helps thin the blood and improve blood flow to the heart. After a heart attack, the type of medication given depends on the severity of the heart attack and the type of heart attack. Some common medications are given after a heart attack.

Anti-clot: Also called thrombolytics or fibrinolytics, these medications break up blood clots that block blood flow to the heart.

Nitroglycerin: This medication widens blood vessels and improves blood flow to the heart. It can also treat chest pain.

Morphine: This medication is used to relieve chest pain.

Beta-blockers: These medications slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure.

Antiarrhythmic drugs: These medications can prevent or prevent disturbances in the normal heart rhythm.

Statins: These medications help reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Reason: A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that supplies the heart with oxygen is blocked. The heart muscle lacks oxygen and begins to die.

symptoms: Symptoms of a heart attack can vary from person to person. They can be mild or severe. Women, older adults, and people with diabetes are more likely to experience subtle or unusual symptoms.

  अपने दिल और दिमाग की सेहत के लिए खाएं डार्क चॉकलेट, इसके फायदे भी जान लीजिए

Chest pain that feels like pressure, compression, or fullness. The pain often occurs in the middle of the chest. It can also be felt in the jaw, shoulders, arms, back and stomach. This may last more than a few minutes or come and go.

Cold sweats.


Nausea (more common in women).


To vomit.

Numbness, pain, or tingling in the arm (usually the left arm, but the right arm may be affected alone or with the left arm).

shortness of breath.

Weakness or fatigue, especially in older people and women.

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If the person is unresponsive and unresponsive and not breathing or has no pulse. So call 911 or the local emergency number and then begin CPR. If an infant or child is unconscious and unresponsive, and is not breathing or has no pulse.

Also read:The risk of heart disease will decrease, just reduce this one thing in your diet.

Then do CPR for 1 minute. Then call 911 or local emergency numbers. If the person is unconscious and unresponsive, has no pulse, and an automated external defibrillator (AED) is immediately available, follow the instructions on the AED.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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