This mental illness that creates suspicion on the partner destroys the house, treatment is possible

Schizophrenia Spoils Your Love Life: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disease. The person suffering from this lives more in the imaginary world. Fantasies dominate his mind all the time and he considers these fantasies to be true. Gradually, this disease takes a serious form and the person is surrounded by behavioral problems. Schizophrenia is one disease but its forms are different. If the confusion during this disease increases, then the patient kills his own family.

Similarly, one of the delusions that occurs during schizophrenia is Delusion of infidelity. When the patient suffers from this category of schizophrenia, he behaves normally with the whole world except his partner. Because in this disease the person gets the illusion of infidelity. He starts doubting the character of his husband or wife. He feels all the time that his partner is having an affair with someone else. And the situation becomes serious when in order to give truth to his doubts, he starts relating the events of daily life. Due to this there is a rift in the relationship between husband and wife and the matter reaches to divorce.

Live Case: Many years ago, when such a case reached the Jaipur court, due to the awareness of the judge, the husband and wife were saved from getting divorced and the patient was treated by a psychiatrist and then the couple could start their normal life. From this incident you can understand that if the judge did not have knowledge of this disease, then a family would have been shattered and no one would have been guilty in this split. Because the husband who was suspecting was sick and those who were bothering him were unaware of the disease!

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early symptoms of schizophrenia

  • The initial signs of this disease are seen in this way, as the person who used to be cheerful and friendly earlier, his behavior has changed and he remains isolated. Even with friends and family, it does not happen with them. That is, it is present from the body but not from the mind and brain. Family and friends can easily notice this change.
  • A person suffering from schizophrenia does not even pay attention to his personal hygiene. He even stops bathing and brushing daily. Or forgets to do so.
  • This disease may seem new or strange to you but it is not. Talking about the statistics, there are 38 to 40 people suffering from this disease in our country itself.
  • Although there is a similar lack of awareness about mental illnesses in our country and people start seeing the changes in the behavior of a person during a disease like schizophrenia, connecting them with attitude. Therefore, most of the people suffering from this disease are diagnosed with the disease only after their condition becomes serious.

Treating the Delusion and Infidelity of Schizophrenia

It is possible to treat a patient who is suspicious of his partner all the time and who is a victim of schizophrenia’s delusions and infidelity. In this regard, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Senior Psychiatrist, Max Hospital, Patparganj, Delhi, says that after proper treatment, a person can lead a normal life. Such patients are treated through medicines, counseling and therapy.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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