This Quick Mobility Workout Is Easy on the Joints | Well+Good

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Whether you have tight hips, a stiff neck, or tight lower back, focusing on your mobility these are slow, effective movements intended to increase your range of motion at various joints. And on today’s episode of Trainer of the Month, Nike Trainer Tara Nicholas is here to do exactly that. With just a yoga mat and a block (optional!), Nicolas guides him through a series of exercises designed to help his body perform deeper, more dynamic stretches.

Because increasing your mobility involves two things: flexibility and strength of all the muscles that surround the various joints in your body, you’ll focus primarily on your neck, shoulders, wrists, and hips. Nicholas begins with a simple round of shoulder rolls to wake up the upper arm joint. From there, he will work his way down your arms to your wrists, even doing a few finger curls, before slowly stretching your neck with supported head circles that will really make you feel him release into your shoulders and arms.

You’ll soon find yourself flowing through a series of side lunges to help open up tight hips, which can be a side effect of frequent sitting, before Nicholas wraps up the workout with some seated hip mobility moves and a cool down with support lying on your back. and breathing consciously to thank your body for all its work.

  बढ़ते प्रदूषण के बीच घर में जरूर लगाएं ये इंडोर पौधे, जो ज्यादा ऑक्सीजन देंगे और हवा साफ रखेंगे

If you want to work on your mobility and really loosen up those tight muscles and joints, press play on the video above.

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