This smart necklace will track every puff you smoke – ET HealthWorld

San Francisco: Researchers have developed a smart device worn around the neck that resembles a blue lapis lazuli pendant called “smokemon” which detects a user of smoking by capturing the heat signature of a burning cigarette in real time, a new study has shown.

According to the US northwestern medicine researchers, the collar completely maintains a smoker’s privacy, it only tracks heat, not images, which is a critical factor for people to feel comfortable wearing it.

The collar can also track how much a smoker inhales and the time between puffs.

“We can detect when the cigarette is lit, when the person brings it to their mouth and takes a puff, how much they inhale, how long between puffs, and how long the cigarette is in their mouth,” said the lead researcher. Nabil Alshurafaassociate professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

All of these details are called smoky topography, which is important for two reasons, the study said.

First, scientists can use it to measure and assess the amount of toxic carbon monoxide smokers are exposed to and gain a better understanding of the relationship between tobacco-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, COPDemphysema and chronic bronchitis by assessing chemical exposure.

Second, people who are trying to quit smoking can be helped by understanding how the topography of smoking relates to relapse (returning to regular smoking), which happens frequently.

“For many people trying to quit smoking, a slip is one or two cigarettes or even a single puff. But a slip is not the same as a relapse (returning to regular smoking). A person can learn from slipping, gaining awareness that they didn’t fail, they just had a temporary setback,” Alshurafa said.

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