This Tasty Marine Supplement Is Linked to Better Thyroid Health, Gut Health, and Weight Loss

When choosing a new supplement, I look for a short list of ingredients. I love seeing a list of words that I can read and understand, because it usually means it’s a natural product that won’t give me an upset stomach. So when a product called Sea Moss Gel appeared on my computer, claiming to have only four all-natural ingredients, I knew I had to try it for myself.

However, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. make with that! Was I meant to eat it or put it on my skin, like a face mask? Can I eat it raw? What about the health benefits? To answer these questions and more, I did some research and spoke with Dr. Jerry Baileyregistered dietitian, acupuncturist, chiropractor, and physician of functional medicine in Holistic health by the lake.

What is sea moss gel?

Sea moss, often called Irish moss, red algae or carrageenan (scientific name: Chondrus crispus), is a red algae species. It grows along rocky shores, such as the Atlantic coast of the British Isles. (Not to be confused with sagina subulataa form of green moss that is also called Irish moss.)

irish sea moss illustration
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Sea moss gel is simply sea moss mixed with water to form a gel-like mixture. In this form and in powder form, it is more palatable (for me!) and becomes the perfect complement to smoothies. As for its flavor, it is said to have a earthy or “underwater taste” similar to clams and oysters, though most agree it’s bland.

Sea moss can improve thyroid health.

The vitamins and minerals in sea moss gel will vary from product to product, especially since different companies add different ingredients. Still, sea moss itself is a excellent source of iodine. In addition, some sources claim that it contains 92 of the 102 essential minerals our bodies need to function.

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Why is iodine so important? “Our body doesn’t make iodine,” says Dr. Bailey. “We need to take it into our food sources. Iodine is the key component in the production of thyroid hormone… Without iodine, we do not produce our thyroid hormones. This results in hypothyroidism.”

Other nutrients in sea moss gel, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper, are also important for thyroid health. “The other minerals within sea moss are key to not only thyroid health but the overall health of your body,” says Bailey. “We tend not to eat enough vegetables in our typical diet, resulting in depleted mineral intake.”

Sea moss can improve your gut health.

If you want to improve the health and function of your digestive system, eat a tablespoon of sea moss gel every day. Algae such as sea moss contain prebiotics or indigestible food that promote the growth of “good” intestinal bacteria. They also contain beneficial live bacteria and lots of fiber.

“Research on sea moss shows that it is a good source of additional dietary fiber and has an excellent level of live bacteria for the gastrointestinal tract,” says Bailey.

Sea moss gel can promote healthy weight loss.

Let’s be clear: Not all weight loss is healthy, especially if you lose weight too quickly. However, losing weight slowly and steadily through healthy lifestyle changes can help improve your overall health. And sea moss gel can be part of that healthy transition.

“There is a compound within the marine mass called fucoxanthin [an antioxidant]Bailey shares. Fucoxanthin promoted fat metabolism in some rat studies (using rat species for comparison to human metabolism). Therefore, we can make an educated guess that there may be a weight loss benefit from adding sea moss to the diet.”

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The bacteria may also have something to do with it. “The bacteria associated with sea moss also show benefits for the gastrointestinal tract,” Bailey continues. “By adding beneficial bacteria to the diet, [you] it can stimulate digestion and immune function within the GI tract.”

How much sea moss should you eat in a day?

Bailey recommends eating one to four tablespoons (about 4 to 8 grams) of powdered sea moss per day. If he is eating it in gel form, one or two tablespoons is enough.

“You can also eat dried or fresh moss,” adds Bailey. “With fresh produce, it’s best to take it a few days after purchase or harvest to avoid potential foodborne illness issues.”

Who should not eat sea moss?

“If you have hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease), you should be careful about taking additional iodine,” Bailey cautions. “Increased iodine can result in increased thyroid production that you don’t want to have with hyperthyroidism.

“Also, if you are susceptible to problems with heavy metals [such as gastrointestinal issues]maybe not [want to] take a lot of sea moss. Also be sure to check that the brand you are using is testing for heavy metal contamination. This will eliminate the risk of increasing the load of those heavy metals in your body.”

It is true that sea moss can easily absorb and store heavy metals. Fortunately, however, the the risk of toxicity is lowand the brands are transparent about whether they test for contamination.

This is what I thought of sea moss gel

Hoping to find a tasty sea moss option, I tried a pineapple sea moss gel (Buy from The Transformation Factory, $32.99). I liked this brand because the gel contained only four ingredients: sea moss, agave, pineapple, and lemon. The consistency was a cross between Jell-O and applesauce, so if you don’t like soft food consistencies, it’s best to eat this mixed with something else!

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The taste impressed me; it was slightly sweet and pineapple, with a strong acid taste. I tried blending it into a smoothie with frozen pineapple chunks and coconut milk and it was delicious!

Bonus: I found out that you may use sea moss as a mask! Transformation Factory suggests making a mix of the gel with turmeric powder.

Just don’t wait to finish the jar. Because it contains no preservatives (other than lemon), this sea moss gel expires in about three weeks. Who knew that seaweed could be such a healthy addition to our delicacies?

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